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OllysCoding edited this page Oct 15, 2016 · 3 revisions

Welcome to the DiscordUnity wiki!


DiscordUnity feeds back in two ways, callbacks and events.

When trying to do something within DiscordUnity, you will always povide a callback method. This means, when the operation is completed (i.e sending a message), on the next frame that callback will be called.

client.CreateServer("Server Name", "london", null, ServerCreatedCallback)

Events are for operations which are not initiated by you (i.e receiving a message), and work like they would for any other C# discord library.

client.OnMessageCreated += MessageCreatedEvent

Getting Started:

//Declare Our Client
private DiscordClient _client;

//Method Called On Start
void Start() 
    _client = new DiscordClient();
    Debug.Log("Connecting to client");
    //Connect to the client as a bot account, make sure to include a callback
    _client.StartBot("Bot YourBotToken", ClientConnected);
//This method will be called when our client connects
void ClientConnected(DiscordClient client, string result, DiscordError error)
   //Check to make sure we didn't fail to connect
   if (error.failed)
       Debug.Log("Error Connecting to bot account: " + error.message);
   //If we haven't failed, lets add an event for when we receive a message
   client.OnMessageCreated += MessageCreatedEvent;
//This will be called when our client receives a message
private void MessageCreatedEvent(object sender, DiscordMessageArgs e)
   Debug.Log("Message Received: " + e.message.content);
//We need to make sure we update the client every frame, so that we can receive our events and callbacks.
void Update()
   if (_client != null)
      if (_client.isUpdatable)

##Help: If you are still unsure on how DiscordUnity works, make sure you pop into the DiscordUnity channel on discord, and we will be happy to help:

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