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Scymol is a Python-based software package specifically designed to facilitate the setup and execution of molecular simulations in LAMMPS.


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We present Scymol, a Python-based software package specifically designed to facilitate the setup and execution of molecular simulations in LAMMPS. Scymol comes equipped with a user-friendly interface, which simplifies the process of initializing molecular systems and defining simulation parameters. Moreover, the software generates and executes LAMMPS simulation sequences, enabling researchers to establish comprehensive simulation schemes, such as heating or deformation cycles, in a single run.

While this first iteration is limited to the creation of amorphous mixtures of molecules – mainly of hydrocarbon nature – Scymol intends to establish a solid foundation that is expandable and adaptable to a multitude of simulation types, gradually encompassing, in an easy-to-use interface – the vast number of functionalities that comprise the LAMMPS simulation engine.

Through its successful application in diverse research projects and its modular design, Scymol demonstrates considerable promise as an indispensable tool for researchers aiming to carry out molecular dynamics simulations without sacrificing complexity or high-throughput capabilities in their methodologies, making the use of MD accessible to researchers outside the realm of Physics, Chemistry, or Numerical Computing. [resources/picture2.png]


1. Using Conda (Linux, x64)

Scymol can be installed using conda install -c eli.ams -c conda-forge scymol ( This approach is currently only compatible with Unix-based operating systems. Windows support will arrive soon.

Alternatively, you can install Scymol through the use of env.yml script. Place the YAML file in the root directory /. The default environment name is scymol; however, you can modify it in the YAML file. Then, open a command line and run: conda env create -f env.yml. This will create a Conda environment named scymol with all the necessary dependencies. Once the installation is complete, activate the environment: conda activate scymol. Finally, invoke scymol to launch the program.

2. Automatic Installation Scripts (Ubuntu/Windows, x64)

Scymol can also be installed using automated setup scripts, which configure local virtual environments with all the necessary dependencies for Scymol to run.

This method requires internet connection and a globally accessible version of Python 3.9 or higher.

2.1 Conda Environment

  1. Download Scymol's script.
  2. Place it on a local directory, namely /.
  3. Using a Conda command line / terminal, run python --mpi-lammps to initiate the set-up process. This script will set up a local Conda Environment in /, downloading and setting up everything that is needed to run Scymol. There are three flags:
    • --mpi-lammps: (optional): Directs the script to download and set up precompiled OpenMPI and LAMMPS libraries. These libraries are placed in the environment's PATH directory.
    • no-scymol: (optional): Skips installing Scymol files from its GitHub repository. This option is useful if you only need the environment, such as when cloning a repository to work in an IDE like PyCharm.
  4. Activate the Scymol Conda environment and run Scymol by invoking scymol. Note that this environment is local, so you must specify its path when activating it, such as conda activate /path/to/local/dir/scymol.

Note: When installing on Virtual Machines, Servers, or other environments with limited graphical interfaces, ensure that libxcb-xinerama0 is installed.

2.2 Virtual Environment

Successfully tested on Windows 10 and 11 (x64). Currently in Beta for Linux distributions, with successful testing only on Ubuntu x64.

  1. Download Scymol's script.
  2. Place it on a local directory, namely /.
  3. Using a command line / terminal, run python --mpi-lammps to initiate the set-up process. Make sure there is Internet connection. This script will set up a /scymol directory, downloading Scymol's source files from GitHub along with a Python Virtual Environment and all necessary dependencies. The script will also create a shortcut to run Scymol in /. There are two flags:
    • --mpi-lammps: (optional): Directs the script to download and set up precompiled OpenMPI and LAMMPS libraries. These libraries are placed in the environment's PATH directory.
  4. Run run_scymol.bat (Windows) or (Linux) to run Scymol. You can also activate Scymol's Virtual Environment and invoke scymol to run Scymol.

2.3 Manual setup

  1. Create a Python environment (Using Python 3.9 or above).

  2. Clone Scymol's repository from its GitHub repository. Use to install the following libraries / dependencies:

    The file defines the entry point for Scymol using the keyword scymol, with the entry point set as scymol = scymol.main:main.

  3. Ensure that LAMMPS and MPI are available to Scymol upon calling commands like mpiexec -n 12 lammps -in environment.

  4. Run /scymol/ or simply invoke scymol while the virtual environment is active.


Scymol relies on LAMMPS' to run simulations and is best executed with a parallelization library, such as OpenMPI. The automatic installation files provided include a precompiled version of both LAMMPS and OpenMPI for exclusive use with the software. However, users may opt to use their own global versions of LAMMPS and/or MPI. In such cases, it is essential to adjust the execution commands in Tab 4 ("Run") within Scymol, ensuring that the absolute paths to the LAMMPS and/or MPI binaries are correctly specified. The final execution command in Command to run should match the format required to run a simulation on the user's system (e.g., mpiexec -n 4 lmp input.dat).

Sample Simulation

A simple simulation that utilizes all of Scymol's functionalities can be executed to ensure the program operates correctly. Scymol comes preconfigured with the necessary input parameters to perform such a simulation, which involves the initialization of a naphthalene molecule from a low-density state to its final, condensed form. The steps to run this simulation are as follows:

  • Molecule Selection: Click on Add under the 1. Molecule Selection section, and select Load from SMILES string.
  • The SMILES notation for naphthalene, c1c2ccccc2ccc1, is preloaded by Default. Assign a name to the molecule and press Ok.
  • Mixture Setup: In the 2. Mixture Setup section, adjust the number of naphthalene molecules from 50 to 100.
  • Optional LAMMPS Setup: In the 3. LAMMPS Setup section, you may optionally check the 3.2 Stages box and double-click on the LAMMPS Stage 1 box. This allows you to view the different LAMMPS routines that will be executed. You can open and review the configuration parameters for each routine, although they can remain at their Default values.
  • Run the Simulation: Under 4. Run, ensure that the paths to the LAMMPS binary (e.g., LAMMPS.exe) and parallelization library binary (e.g., MPIEXEC.exe) are correctly set. The active working directory when executing a Job is set by Default to /output/{job_id}/mixture_{mixture_nbr}/, targeting the folder /lammps+mpi in the root of Scymol's directory. Absolute paths can also be used if preferred.
  • Verify that the Command to run in Tab 4 matches the command typically used for running LAMMPS/MPI simulations on your system. Then, click Run.
  • A dialog will appear showing the simulation's progress. Once the simulation is complete, close the dialog. In the 5. Postprocessing section, navigate to the folder corresponding to the latest simulation. Within the mixture_1 folder, select any of the .out files (e.g., 1.5_uniaxialcompression_instantaneous.out). Highlight a property of interest (e.g., v_sysdensity) and right-click to compute the column Statistics. You can also highlight two properties (e.g., TimeStep and v_sysdensity) and generate a XY-scatter plot between them.
  • To review the input scripts and output files, explore the directory /output/{job_id}/mixture_{mixture_nbr}/.

Software Functionalities

Scymol has a user interface that guides users through the necessary steps for simulation setup, ensuring complete utilization of the software's features. While the interface is important for gathering and organizing user inputs, the computational capabilities are primarily contained within the backend architecture. These core functionalities, along with their respective user interface elements, are presented as follows.

Tab 1 - Molecule Selection

This tab enables users to create a molecular set for use in their simulation. Molecules can be added either through their SMILES notation or from a list of predefined molecule structure files such as .mol and .pdb. As molecules are loaded, they are added to a 1.1 List of Molecules section, their key chemical information is displayed in a 1.2 Description section, and an interactive 2D representation appears in a 1.3 Drawing section. The order of the molecules in the list, which users can adjust via drag-and-drop, is reflected in the generated LAMMPS input files. [resources/picture3.png]

Tab 2 - Mixture Setup

This tab provides tools for configuring a molecular mixture. A 2.1 Setup table lists the molecules loaded in Tab 1 and allows users to specify the number of each molecule and their initial orientation. The 2.2 Settings section offers parameters crucial for the initial placement of molecules in the simulation box without overlap. An 2.3 Information section provides an overview of the mixture, including the total number of molecules, average molecular mass, and molecular formula. A brief description of the UI elements' functionalities is presented next: 2.1 Setup Name: Name of the molecule assigned when loading it. Number: Number of molecules to be added to the mixture. Rotate: Randomly rotate the molecule about its geometric center. 2.2 Settings 2.1.1 Number of Mixtures needed Number of duplicate simulations to perform. 2.1.2 Initial Density factor Initial (often lower) density of the box to place the molecules. Lower means more space, which reduces the possibility of interparticle overlaps. 2.1.3 Layer offset Distance from the Z-axis walls to place the molecules away from. 2.1.4 Distribution method Selection of the statistical method to evenly place particles around a simulation box. 2.1.5 Potential energy threshold Potential energy limit beyond which systems are discarded. The potential energy is computed using a Lennard-Jones pseudopotential with parameters all set to 1. Potential energy values below 0 indicate that attractive forces dominate. 2.1.6 Final density estimate A rough estimate of final density of the system. This density is used by the LAMMPS subroutines in case compression or expansion is involved.


Tab 3 - LAMMPS Setup

This tab consists of two sections: 3.1 Force Field and 3.2 Stages. The Force Field section offers a selection of commonly used force fields, namely GAFF and GAFF2, PCFF, CHARMM, and TIP3P. The program loads the atomic types and charges and checks if the selected force field is applicable to cover all the interactions in the system. The Stages list lets users design a sequenced list of LAMMPS stages. Each stage added is expandable, revealing a LAMMPS Flowchart menu, where users can set up a sequence of LAMMPS substages. A library is included to further aid users in setting up commonly used LAMMPS sequences (e.g., a heat cycle). Furthermore, each substage can be explored into, presenting configuration options for each substage (e.g., to set the temperature in an isothermal simulation). [resources/picture5.png] [resources/picture8.png]

LAMMPS Routine windows

Scymol currently includes seven predefined stages: Initialize, Minimize, Velocities, NPT, NVT, NVE, and UniaxialDeformation. Future updates are expected to expand this list to incorporate more sophisticated routines, such as those for computing Cohesive Energy Density. The goal is to develop fully functional LAMMPS stages encapsulated as modular components that can process outputs from preceding stages, execute specific tasks, and generate inputs required for subsequent stages of the simulation. For example, the UniaxialDeformation module performs NVT compressions to the simulation box to bring the initialized, but low density system to its final, condensed state. [resources/picture9.png]

Tab 4 - Run

This tab allows users to specify the location of LAMMPS (4.1 LAMMPS) and the parallelization library (e.g., MPI) (4.2 Parallelization). By Default, the program includes precompiled versions of LAMMPS and MPIEXEC, but users can choose their own versions. 4.3 Number of Processes permits users to select the number of cores to be allocated for the job. When submitting a job, Scymol spawns a Dialog window which keeps track of the process' progress. The process can be forcefully terminated, and its std out and std err can be tracked in real time. Closing the Dialog forces the Job to be terminated just as if Terminate were to be pressed. [resources/picture11.PNG]

Tab 5 - Postprocessing

Although not a primary focus of the program, this tab enables users to view log files from previous jobs and to display computed properties, thereby offering a preliminary view of both computational and physical aspects of the simulations. Scymol remains active even when jobs are running, enabling users to track the progress of simulations in real time based on LAMMPS output. This ensures a more detailed update on the simulations' progress without the program freezing or becoming unresponsive. [resources/picture10.PNG]


Schematic of a standard job execution in the program, detailing directories, files, and class relationships. Bolded rectangles denote independent processes; blue rectangles specify the core directories in Scymol's root. Solid arrows indicate direct code interactions, and dashed arrows indicate signal-based communication. [resources/picture1.png] The software architecture includes several directories and files organized functionally within the root directory /, detailed in the following table.

Main Directories/Files Description
/ Initializes UI elements, instantiates MainWindow class, configures window properties, and maps interface signals to actions.
/frontend/ Custom module responsible for building the UI, containing various Python modules and subdirectories.
/frontend/ Contains the Python class for constructing the UI of Scymol's MainWindow instance, including elements from all tabs and the menu bar.
/frontend/ Contains Python modules for initializing instances of the LammpsFlowchartWindow class, crucial for setting up sequential LAMMPS simulation substages through a drag-and-drop interface. Subdirectory: frontend/dialog_windows/.
/frontend/ Creates molecule instances when a user imports molecules, utilizing RDKit's utilities to ensure compatibility with LAMMPS.
/frontend/ Standalone Python module with utility functions for common tasks like computing chemical information and file I/O operations.
/frontend/dialog_windows/ Contains modules for initializing dialog windows directly triggered from the MainWindow instance.
/frontend/custom_widgets/ Focuses on the creation and customization of widgets that introduce custom functionalities or override standard widget behavior.
/frontend/context_menus/ Organizes Python files required for initializing instances of context menus, which may offer numerous options and submodules.
/front2back/ Links frontend's state with backend's input requirements for molecular systems, comprising various Python modules.
/front2back/ Translates UI interactions into an file and manages the lifecycle of backend simulation processes.
/front2back/ Creates a dialog window instance to display simulation output and allows for simulation termination.
/front2back/ Spawns a subprocess to run newly submitted jobs, capturing stdout and stderr in a log file for real-time feedback.
/front2back/ Extracts data from UI widgets into a dictionary for generating the file by
/backend/ Specialized module responsible for executing simulations, functioning independently and relying on the file.
/backend/ Houses the LammpsCommands class, offering methods for defining and appending LAMMPS commands to a simulation script.
/backend/ Introduces the LammpsStage class, central to generating full LAMMPS scripts by calling commands from LammpsCommands.
/backend/ Contains the Molecule class for creating instances based on SMILES strings, using Rdkit's functionalities for molecule initialization, minimization, and equilibration.
/backend/ Contains the Mixture class, providing methods for mixture-wide computations, including molecule sorting, force field assignment, and potential energy calculations.
/backend/ Interfaces with the PySIMM library to translate RdKit objects into LAMMPS-compatible inputs.
/backend/ Fundamental file containing comprehensive input parameters and configurations for backend operations.
/backend/ Responsible for logging job executions, creating log files with varying detail levels to aid in debugging and tracking progress.
/backend/ Similar to frontend's module, offering functions for common tasks, ensuring backend's independence.
/backend/ Pivotal for running a complete job, operating independently of frontend and front2back modules, relying solely on the file.
/backend/ Contains predefined LAMMPS substages, offering options like Initialize, Minimize, Velocities, NPT, NVT, NVE, and Uniaxial Deformation for simulations.
/env/ Houses the python/, mpi/, and lammps/ subdirectories containing precompiled versions of Python, MPI, and LAMMPS, enabling Scymol to run without external dependencies.


Scymol is licensed under the GNU General Public License (GPL), which is a widely used free software license that guarantees end users the freedom to run, study, share, and modify the software. The GPL license aims to ensure that the software remains free and open-source for all its users. For detailed terms and conditions, please refer to the full license text. The full text of the GPL license can be found at the official GNU website or included directly within this documentation. For the full GPL license text, you may visit the GNU General Public License v3.0 website.


Scymol was created by Eli I. Assaf ([email protected]), Elsa Maalouf ([email protected]), Xueyan Liu ( [email protected]), and Sandra Erkens ([email protected]). To cite, please refer to the manuscript Scymol: A python-based software package for initializing and running molecular dynamics simulations using LAMMPS (DOI:


Scymol is a Python-based software package specifically designed to facilitate the setup and execution of molecular simulations in LAMMPS.







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