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4 ‐ Wiki Configuration ‐ Language
Euphyllia edited this page Sep 12, 2024
1 revision
- Description: The current version of the configuration file in use. Helps track updates to the configuration file.
- Description: Enables or disables verbose mode for logs. When enabled, additional details about operations are logged.
- success: "The player has been added to your trust list until the next restart or until you remove them. Note that a trusted person has as many permissions as a member of your island."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia trust "
- close: "Your island is now closed."
- open: "Your island is now open."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia expel "
- player-not-in-island: "The player is not on your island."
- player-failed: "The player cannot be expelled from your island."
- fail-high-equals-status: "You cannot modify your own permissions or the permissions of roles higher than you."
- success: "The island has been successfully deleted."
- only-owner: "Sorry, only the owner can execute this command."
- not-member: "The player is not a member of the island."
- error: "An error occurred. Please contact an administrator."
- only-owner: "Only the island owner can do this."
- not-safe: "The location is not safe! Teleportation impossible."
- not-found: "Player not found."
- offline: "The player is not online."
- no-island: "You don't have an island!"
- permission-denied: "You do not have permission to do this."
- already-exist: "You already have an island."
- command-already-execution: "The command is already being executed, please wait a moment."
- not-in-island: "You must be on your island."
- failed-player-in-island: "The player cannot be banned as they are a member of your island."
- success: "The player has been banned from your island."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia ban "
- success: "You have been teleported to your island."
- success: "You have modified your home!"
- fail: "The player %s cannot be promoted."
- fail-high-equals-status: "You cannot promote a player to your rank or higher."
- success: "The player %s has been promoted."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia promote "
- success: "The player has been unbanned."
- player-not-banned: "The player is not banned."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia unban "
- failed: "The player could not be unbanned for an unknown reason."
- fail: "The player %s cannot be demoted."
- fail-high-equals-status: "You cannot demote a player of your rank or higher."
- success: "The player %s has been demoted."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia demote "
- success: "The gamerule has been updated successfully."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia gamerule <true/false>"
- failed: "An error occurred while updating the gamerule."
- gamerule-invalid: "The gamerule does not exist."
- fail-high-equals-status: "You cannot kick a player of your rank or higher."
- success: "You are now a member of the island!"
- failed: "The player could not be kicked. If the problem persists, contact an administrator."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia kick "
- change-in-progress: "Biome change in progress. Please note that it takes time... A message will notify you when the process is complete."
- success: "The biome change in the chunk you were in is complete! You need to leave and return to your island to see the change."
- only-island: "The command can only be executed on an island."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia biome "
- biome-not-exist: "The biome %s does not exist."
- permission-denied: "You do not have permission to use this biome."
- success: "You have left your island."
- failed: "You could not leave your island. If the problem persists, contact an administrator."
- he-is-owner: "You cannot leave your island as you are the owner!"
- permissions-invalid: "This permission does not exist."
- role-invalid: "The role is invalid, possible values: <OWNER/CO_OWNER/MODERATOR/MEMBER/VISITOR/BAN>"
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia permission <island/commands/inventory> <OWNER/CO_OWNER/MODERATOR/MEMBER/VISITOR/BAN> <PERMISSION_NAME> <true/false>"
- permission-type-invalid: "The type is invalid, possible values: <island/commands/inventory>"
- success: "The permission has been updated successfully!"
- failed: "The change could not be made."
- success: "The new owner of the island is: %new_owner%"
- type-no-exist: "The selected island type does not exist."
- finish: "Welcome to your island!"
- error: "An error occurred during island creation."
- in-progress: "The island is being created."
- schem-no-exist: "The schematic to create the island does not exist."
- success: "The member is no longer on your trust list."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia untrust "
- failed: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia untrust "
- already-on-an-island: "You are already on an island!"
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia invite <add/accept/decline> <player/island_owner>"
- notification-player: "The player %player_invite% has invited you to their island. To accept: /skyllia invite accept %player_invite%. To decline: /skyllia invite decline %player_invite%."
- pending: "The player %s has been invited. Awaiting a response..."
- not-enough-args: "You must specify which island you want to decline: /skyllia invite add "
- owner-not-island: "The island of player %s was not found."
- not-enough-args: "You must specify which island you want to decline: /skyllia invite decline <island_owner>"
- owner-not-island: "The island of player %s was not found."
- success: "You are now a member of the island!"
- max-member-exceeded: "The member limit of the island has been reached. You cannot join the island."
- not-enough-args: "You must specify which island you want to join: /skyllia invite accept <island_owner>"
- island-not-open: "The island is closed."
- success: "You have been teleported to %player%'s island."
- player-not-island: "The player does not have an island."
- not-enough-args: "You must specify the name of the island you want to visit: /skyllia visit "
- player-banned: "You are banned from the island."
- success: "Your warp: %s has been created."
- not-enough-args:
"You must specify the name of the warp to register: /skyllia <set/del>warp <warp_name>"
- not-exist: "The requested warp does not exist."
- success: "You have been teleported to the requested warp."
- success: "The warp has been deleted."
- can-not-delete-home: "You cannot delete the home warp."
- no-confirm: "You did not add 'confirm' to the end."
- nan: "The indicated number is incorrect."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skyllia setmaxmembers value confirm"
- no-confirm: "You must add 'confirm' to the end of your command."
- not-enough-args: "The player's name is missing."
- no-confirm: "You must add the argument 'confirm' to the end of your command."
- success: "The number of people on the island has been changed."
- nan: "You did not choose an integer."
- not-enough-args: "The command is incomplete: /skylladmin setsize <player/uuid> confirm"
- failed: "The change could not be made."
This version supports Minimessage for formatting messages with special tags. Make sure to consult the Minimessage documentation for details on syntax and available features.