This is a Repository for UVM CS 120 Advanced Programming class. The goal of this class is to explore pull request and issues in a group on a single repository.
- Create Project ~5 minutes
- Split into teams
- One team member creates a Team Repo use the GitHub template
- Share the new repo url to the team
- Add comments ~5 minutes
- Select two programming files and add comments on what that code is doing through Github browser
- Submit a pull request for the changes ([pull request documentation)[
- Team Repo Owner then accepts all the pull requests
- Create Bugs ~10 minutes
- Team Repo Owner adds everyone in the team as Contributors (adding people to a repo documentation)
- Select two or more programming files you did not add comments to and create 2-4 bugs that are functional issues
- Add a comment at the top with “bugs introduced: + your initials”
- Submit Bug Reports ~15 minutes
- Select two files which you have not yet interacted with that have bugs introduced
- Identify all bugs
- Submit a new Issue for each bug through Github following the format below with a title that has the name of the file (creating issues)
- Fix Bugs ~15 minutes
- Select two files which you have not yet interacted with and that have Issues
- Assign bugs to yourself
- Determine how to fix Bugs
- Push fixes with a comment on how you fixed it
- QA and Close Bug Reports ~10 minutes
- Go to the Issues you wrote
- Verify fixes are correct
- Close bugs with comments
Datetime_convert Take a date string and convert it to the format MM/DD/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Even_odd_site Create an html page with two columns where one column is all the odd numbers from 1-50 and the other column is the even numbers from 1-50 and return the html
Remove_duplicates Removed all duplicate numbers in an array and return the original array, the unique numbers in the array and the removed numbers
Rgb_to_hex Take the color values in RGB (0-255 for red, green, blue) and convert to a hexadecimal format (#and six hexadecimals)
Sum_even_fibonacci Sum all the even fibonacci numbers that are below 4,000,000
Description A clear and concise description of what the issue/bug is.
Steps to Reproduce
- First step to reproduce the issue/bug
- Second step to reproduce the issue/bug
- Third step to reproduce the issue/bug
Expected Behavior A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen.
Actual Behavior A clear and concise description of what actually happened.
Screenshots If applicable, add screenshots to help explain the issue/bug.
Additional Information
- Operating System:
- Browser:
- Version:
- Any other relevant information
Possible Solution If you have any suggestions for a possible solution, please include them here.
Related Issues Are there any related issues? If so, please link to them here.
Priority How critical is this issue/bug? Low, medium, or high priority?
Reproducibility How often can this issue/bug be reproduced? Always, sometimes, or random?
Impact What is the impact of this issue/bug? Low, medium, or high?