EOS public test network: Jungle
Based on: DAWN-2018-04-23-ALPHA
by: CryptoLions.io
Check the Nodes status in Network Monitor
To participate as block producer please contact us in telegram channel
mkdir /home/eos-dawn-v3.0.0
cd /home/eos-dawn-v3.0.0
git clone https://github.com/eosio/eos --recursive
cd eos
git checkout DAWN-2018-04-23-ALPHA
git submodule update --init --recursive
cd build
make install
If You have problems with Boost - please edit 114 line in eosio_build_ubuntu.sh and change:
tar xf boost_1.66.0.tar.bz2 -> tar xf boost_1_66_0.tar.bz2
Create data-dir folder for you node: mkdir /opt/JungleTestnet
Download files config.ini, genesis.json, start.sh, stop.sh and put in this folder /opt/JungleTestnet
All paths in files are binded to this data folder
add execution rights
chmod 777 /opt/JungleTestnet/*.sh -
Choose your producer name (any jungle animal ;) and create own EOS key pair
you can create key pair using cleos command ./cleos create key or here. -
Edit config.ini with your producer name and created key pair
Open http and p2p Ports on your firewall/router
Connect your node, run ./start.sh
Check if you can access you node using link http://you_server:your_http_port/v1/chain/get_info (Example)
if your node is connected and synced - Send Request in telegram channel with next information:
Server Location | Organisation | node ip/domain, | Port (http) | Port (p2p) | producer name | your public key |
- After receving your requst, node will be added to monitor, as Block producer.
Account will be created and initial EOS will be sent.
BP Name | Address | Port (http) | Port (p2p) | Location | Organisation |
Volcano | jungle.cryptolions.io | 8888 | 9876 | Ukraine, Kyiv | CryptoLions.io |
Lion | jungle.cryptolions.io | 8890 | 9890 | Ukraine, Kyiv | CryptoLions.io |
Tiger | | 8888 | 9876 | Ukraine, Lviv | CryptoLions.io |
Jaguar | jungle.eosnewyork.io | 8888 | 9876 | Central Canada | EOS New York |
Bat | ctestnet.eosio.se | 8062 | 6602 | Sweden | EOSio.se |
Mowgli | mowgli.jungle3.eos.roelandp.nl | 8765 | 9876 | Germany | roelandp.nl/eos |
Dragonfly | | 8888 | 9876 | Barcelona | EOSbcn |
Elephant | | 8877 | 9876 | USA | Blockpro.one |
Mosquito | mosquito.prometeos.io | 8889 | 9877 | Spain | IberEOS |
Fox | eosrio.entropia.in | 8887 | 9875 | Brazil, Rio de Janeiro | EOS Rio |
Gorilla | Jungle.eosuk.io | 8427 | 9927 | UK | EOS UK |
Honeybadger | | 8888 | 9876 | Uk, London | EOS42 |
Wombat | pearls.capital | 8888 | 9876 | russia, moscow | pearls.capital |
Sloth | | 8888 | 9876 | Singapore | EOS Botetourt |
Langurs | eosgreen.uk.to | 8888 | 9876 | UK | EOSgreen.io |
Tokki | bpseoul.eosnodeone.io | 8888 | 9876 | Seoul | eosnodeone.io |
Whale | whale.eoscalgary.com | 80 | 9876 | Canada | EOS.Cafe |
Panther | bp4-d3.eos42.io | 8888 | 9876 | London | EOS42.io |
Tortoise | | 8888 | 9876 | France | EOSdac.io |
Galapago | | 7010 | 7015 | Germany | bitcoineos.fun |
Mpenjati | mpenjati.eosio.africa | 8888 | 9876 | Africa | EOS.IO Africa |
Cougars | testnet01.eoseoul.io | 8801 | 9901 | Korea, Seoul | EOSeoul.io |
Ladybird | | 8888 | 9876 | Barcelona | EOSbcn |
Giraffe | | 8888 | 9876 | Hongkong | Niuchain |
Rhino | | 8888 | 9876 | Hong Kong | HKEOS |
Cheetah | cheetah.jungle3.bptn.eosamsterdam.net | 8888 | 9876 | Amsterdam | EOS Amsterdam |
Termite | robotikalis.ddns.net | 8888 | 9876 | London | EOS-East |
Snake | testnet.eosindia.io | 8888 | 9876 | India | EOSIndia |
Tapir | | 8888 | 9876 | Germany | 0xc0ffee |
Boar | | 8890 | 9876 | USA, San Francisco | EOSBR |
Spider | | 8888 | 9876 | China , Beijing | 北京星云比特科技有限公司 |
Koala | jungle.genereos.io | 8888 | 9876 | Australia, Sydney | GenerEOS |
Beaver | | 8888 | 9876 | Canada, Calgary | EOS Calgary |
Unicorn | | 8888 | 9876 | China | SuperONE.io |
Scorpion | | 8888 | 9876 | China, Peking | EOS Zodiac |
Hummingbird | jungle.eoseco.net | 8888 | 9876 | China, Shanghai | EOSeco |
Kangaroo | jungle.eosphere.io | 8888 | 9876 | Australia | EOSphere.io |
Leaf | | 8888 | 9876 | Netherlands | Massive Dibamics |
Macaw | | 80 | 9876 | USA | EOSMX |
Parrot | testchain.jscut.org | 8888 | 9876 | USA, Virginia | Todd Fleming |
Pug | | 8888 | 9876 | China, Shenzhen | ViaBTC |
Capybara | testnet.eosdublin.io | 8444 | 9878 | Dublin | EOSDublin.com |
Bear | eosslc.com | 8889 | 9877 | USA, Bluffdale, UT | EOS SLC |
Hedgehog | jungle.worbli.io | 8888 | 9876 | USA, Ohio | Worbli |
Crow | | 8888 | 9876 | China | EOS UIP |
Wildcat | stealthbp.ddns.net | 8800 | 6600 | Seoul | EOS Asia |
Elk | | 8388 | 3389 | Hong Kong | EOS Gravity |
Tarsier | jungle.eos.blckchnd.com | 8888 | 9876 | Germany, Falkenstein | blckchnd.com |
Toucan | | 8888 | 9876 | Hong Kong | wancloud |
Bull | | 8888 | 9876 | China | EOS.Hedging |
Doppelganger | | 8888 | 9876 | USA, Oregon | James Sutherland |
Eagle | eosbeijing.one | 8888 | 9876 | Hongkong | EOS Beijing |
Wolverine | | 9879 | 6879 | Canada, Monreal | BP Node |
Raven | | 8888 | 9876 | Frankfurt | EOS NL |
Gazelle | | 8888 | 9876 | USA | BlockSmith |
Marten | | 8888 | 9876 | Russia | TestNode |
Hippo | | 8888 | 9876 | USA, Los Angeles | EOSBlock.co |
Racoon | | 8889 | 9877 | Poland | eosemerge.io |
Quokka | quokka.eosreal.io | 8868 | 9886 | Mumbai-AWS | EOSREAL |
Rabbit | | 8888 | 9876 | China | EOS Cannon |
Mamba | 5280.duckdns.org | 8888 | 9876 | USA, Denver, CO | Mamba |
Monkey | meow.eoslaomao.com | 80 | 9876 | Japan, Tokyo | EOSLaoMao.com |
Glowwarm | dev.chainpool.io | 7780 | 7781 | Japan, Tokyo | ChainPool |
Frog | eos-bp.bitfinex.com | 8888 | 9876 | Switzerland, Zurich | Bitfinex |
Dolphin | | 8888 | 9876 | Ireland | EOSEOS |
Lamb | | 8888 | 9876 | Germany, Kassel | EOSVibes |
Alligator | bp-test.ono.chat | 8888 | 9876 | Japan, Tokyo | eosONO |
Ocelot | avocado-toast.sandwich.farm | 8888 | 9876 | NL, Amsterdam | sandwich.farm |
Koalabear | | 8886 | 9876 | Singapore | EosLove |
Croc | | 8888 | 9876 | USA, Oregon | EOS Floripa |
Duck | test.eosys.io | 8888 | 9874 | Korea, Seoul | EOSYS |
Pony | | 8888 | 9876 | Japan | www.eoshuobipool.com |
Address | Port (http) | Port (p2p) | Location | Organisation |
---|---|---|---|---| | 8886 | 9874 | Brazil, Rio de Janeiro | EOS Rio | | 6888 | 7876 | CryptoLions.io | Ukraine, Lviv |
BP Name | Address | Port (http) | Port (p2p) | Location | Organisation |
Panda | | 8888 | 9876 | Taiwan | CIGEOS |
Wolf | eosbrazil.com | 8884 | 9873 | Brazil | EOSbrazil.co |
Snake | testnet.eosindia.io | 8888 | 9876 | India | EOSIndia |
Leopard | hlathi.eosio.africa | 8888 | 9877 | Africa | EOSio.africa |
Zebra | jungle.eosnewyork.io | 8888 | 9876 | Canada, Montreal | EOS New York |
Python | python.prometeos.io | 8888 | 9876 | Spain | Prometeos.io |
Wolf | eosbrazil.com | 8890 | 9878 | Brazil, Sao Paulo | EOS Brazil |
Lizard | processing | .... | .... | India | EOS India |
Ant | robotikalis.ddns.net | 8888 | 9876 | London | EOS-East |