Kernel for FireflyOS which can be booted on UEFI and BIOS. (Screenshots)
Are you interested in writing a kernel but lack a "study buddy" or don't know where to get started?
This project is for you!
Our goal is to build an operating system where everyone can participate and learn; both newbies and professionals alike.
Join us on Discord if you'd like to talk: (Channel: #cursed-firefly-dev)
git clone --recursive
cd Firefly-Kernel
sudo apt install meson ninja-build nasm xorriso qemu-system-x86 clang lld ovmf #For UEFI emulation only
Firefly OS uses the meson build system:
# Note: We invoke the meson build commands using regular Makefiles as a QoL improvement
make all run # Alternatively you can use 'make all uefi' for uefi emulation
# "I want to execute the build commands manually!" - Here you go:
make -C limine/
meson build --cross-file meson_config.txt # You *must* use build, other scripts depend on this directory name
cd build
meson compile && ../scripts/ && ../scripts/ # If meson compile is not supported you can either upgrade meson or use ninja
Note: It is assumed you have meson version 0.60.1
or higher, you may or may not run into problems with older versions.