This plugin allows you to use variable thumbnails, if your filesystem (or storage-adapter) supports it.
So you don't need modern file formats.
Besides the benefits for using it in live shops, you can use this also in development-systems, if you don't want thumbnails to be created.
It will add parameters to original image paths.
So you are able to save storage and add new thumbnails on the fly.
Plugin version | Shopware version | Branch |
5.* | Min. 6.6 | main |
4.* - 3.0.0 | Min. 6.5 | v4 |
2.* - 1.0.16 | Min. 6.4 | v2 |
1.0.15 - 1.0.6 | Min. 6.3 | |
1.0.5 - 1.0.0 | Min. 6.0 |
Download the plugin from the release page and enable it in Shopware.
composer require frosh/platform-thumbnail-processor
Run npm install
in src/Resources/app/storefront
within the plugin directory
download latest release and upload into admin:
While active, this will access all thumbnails variable from original image. The thumbnail-files won't be needed anymore.
You can edit the thumbnail-template within the plugin-config. Defaults {mediaUrl}/{mediaPath}?width={width}
Available variables with examples:
- {mediaUrl}:
- {mediaPath}: media/01/82/69/sasse.png
- {width}: 800
- {mediaUpdatedAt}: 1716882050 (unix timestamp) or 0
Feel free to decorate ThumbnailUrlTemplateInterface
to add more individual functions like signed imgproxy
You may want to delete folder thumbnails
within folder public
If needed, you could create redirects on your web server for old paths.
Example for Apache .htaccess: RewriteRule ^thumbnail/(.*)_\d+x\d+.(.*)$$1.$2 [L,R=301]
, consult their docs for more details.
- Save new size in the folder of the media management
- (no more needed from version 3.0.2) run the command
bin/console media:generate-thumbnails
on the console to update the thumbnails for all images in the database - Clear shop cache
You can find patterns in GitHub Discussions in category Patterns
After uninstalling plugin you have to run bin/console media:generate-thumbnails -strict
to generate the thumbnails-files on disk.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.