This project showcases a RealClock system with LED effects implemented using FreeRTOS. The Nucleo-f446re microcontroller is utilized, along with a user interface program using UART.
- Choose from four different LED effects for four LEDs.
- Set a new time or date.
- Enable time and date reporting, sent to SWV (Serial Wire Viewer) every 1 second.
- Command Handle Task: Responsible for receiving user input over UART.
- Display Task: Responsible for displaying messages or menus to the user over UART.
- Main-menu Task: Allows the user to choose system functionalities such as LED Effects and RTC configuration.
- LED Effect Task: Starts the selected LED effect.
- RTC Task: Handles setting the new time and date and enabling reporting.
- Q_Send: Sends data to UART.
- Q_Receive: Receives data from UART.
The project is based on CubeMX HAL Drivers and utilizes the following peripherals:
- Systick (FreeRTOS clock base)
- Set alarms.
- Contribute to the project with SEGGER tool.