fair-software.nl recommendations | Example Badges |
1. Code Repository | |
2. License | |
3. Community Registry | |
4. Enable Citation | |
5. Code Quality Checklist | |
Other | Badge |
Continuous Integration | |
Code Analysis | |
Code Coverage | |
Documentation |
(Customize these badges with your own links. Check https://shields.io/ to see which badges are available.)
The repository https://github.com/NLeSC/template contains the template for software projects at the Netherlands eScience Center. In principle, it follows the general recommendations from https://fair-software.nl for developing research software, while adding details that are specific to the Netherlands eScience Center.
When starting a new project, look for GitHub's prompt to use the template as a starting point.
The template comes with the 5 recommendations from
fair-software.nl predefined as GitHub issues. You'll
see them as soon as you click New issue
. For each one, click Get started
to instantiate the issue from the issue template.
Once you have the 5 recommendations as issues in your issue list, feel free to delete
- the corresponding issue templates from /.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE
- the Welcome section in this README.md
- description of what the software does
- notes on how to install
- notes on how to contribute
- notes on how to make a release