OGC API - Features test deployment for the French Water Information System (ex on French Groundwater Information Network features and Surface features)
Serving Groundwater wells according to EPOS EU Research Infrastructure on Solid Earth logical model for Boreholes (<https://github.com/opengeospatial/boreholeie/wiki/Relevant-Materials#epos-eu-research-infrastructure-on-solid-earth-conceptual-and-logical-model-)
- Map national data model to EPOS Borehole specification
- Serve it in OGC API - Features not loosing the semantics
OGC API - Features implementation deployed is Geoserver OGC API - Feature community module (https://github.com/geoserver/geoserver/tree/master/src/community/wfs3). First tests were using were using WFS 3 community module.
According to INSPIRE Hydro (HY), Environmental Monitoring Facilities (EF) with a link to observation download services (OGC SensorThings API). Most of the work is described in this other repo https://github.com/INSIDE-information-systems/API4INSPIRE. See also https://datacoveeu.github.io/API4INSPIRE/
Helpdesk for many French national information systems (ex : French Water Information System, under-ground, risks, ...).
Mainly through evolution funded by Pole INSIDE (INSIDE Research Center). By order of work.
- 1°/ GML app-schema compliant automatic conversion to GeoJSON in GeoServer core. Announcement: http://blog.geoserver.org/2019/09/18/geoserver-2-16-released/)
- 2°/ JSON-LD community plugin : https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/community/json-ld/index.html. Announcement: http://blog.geoserver.org/2020/01/22/geoserver-2-16-2-released/ plugin that was then renamed into "GeoServer Features-Templating Extension"
- 3°/ GeoServer Features-Templating Extension (https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/community/features-templating/index.html). "Announcement" see State of GeoServer 2.20 edition
- 4°/ Geoserver SMART Data-loader extension (funded along with JRC during the API4INSPIRE project): https://docs.geoserver.org/stable/en/user/community/smart-data-loader/index.html
- 5°/ Support to the INSPIRE Good Practice: "INSPIRE download services based on OGC API - Features" : https://github.com/INSPIRE-MIF/gp-ogc-api-features
- JSON Schemas and OGC API Features
- Queryables and OGC API Features
- Geoserver side : Foster reuse of the Features-Templating + SMART Data-Loader combo for a broader uptake of interoperability principles
- Information systems side : help in the mapping between historical models and internationnally agreed ones (ex : INSPIRE, OGC, ...)
- Status of OGC API - Features and implementations (beginning of 2020) do not specify how semantics of data models is handled; as opposed to app-schema in WFS2 (and especially within implementations like Geoserver and Deegree).
- How to deal with features identifiers (we want URI on our features)
- No way in GeoServer for the user to define the expected structure of the GeoJSON (status May 2020)
- Complexity for people to tame the servers so that they expose data with the internationnally agreed semantics (high entry ticket).