Your one-stop shop for all things GIS! Easily learn about GIS in an interactive environment.
Mapmakers use maps as a form of graphical communication. Map readers (such as yourself) vary in levels of map literacy. To bridge the gap between mapmakers and map readers, the site aims to promote map literacy and critical thinking by concentrating on improving map reader spatial inquiry competencies in an interactive / storytelling self-paced GIS learning environment. The site is meant to be open source and act as a knowledge base that contributors can build upon.
Have a chapter idea? Look below on how to contribute.
The incomplete chapters are mentioned in the Issues tab under the Content label.
- Projections
- Scale
- Visual Encoding
- Types of Maps
- Classification Schemes
- Spatial Autocorrelation Statistics
- Lying with Maps
- Spatial data and its types
- Will touch on geometric primitives
- Spatial Analysis
- Web GIS
- Relational databases
- Implement report system using local storage to track user progress
- Grade tracking system to assess learning (also local storage)
- Support multiple languages
Create an issue and / or make a pull request. A GitHub account is required.
git clone
It is mandatory to use pnpm for this project.
pnpm install
pnpm dev
pnpm build
pnpm preview
Email me at [email protected] with any resources, feedback or ideas you'd like to share. If you do not have a GitHub account, I can upload and credit you for any content you wish to contribute.
Under the supervision of Dr. Charles Perin, I developed this website for my capstone project at the University of Victoria.
Released under the GNU General Public License, version 3. To protect against theft and promote free open source software, any developers making use of this repository must release their changes under the same license.
Road Network Files from Statistics Canada
Health Authority Boundaries from BC Data Catalogue
2016 Census Wards Excel from Open Ottawa
State Population Totals for 2010-2019 from the United States Census Bureau