Version 2.3.2
Mainly some small bug fixes to handle trees without branches.
- “cylinders”: Increased the minimum number "n" of estimated cylinders for initialization of vectors at the beginning of the code.
- “point_model_distance”: Corrected the computation of the output at the end of the so that trees without branches are computed correctly.
- “estimate_precision”: Added the "name" of the point cloud from the to the output TreeData as a field. Also, now displays the name together with the tree number.
- “select_optimum”:
- Added the "name" of the point cloud from the to the output TreeData as a field. Also, now displays the name together with the tree number.
- TreeData contains now correctly fields ("location", "StemTaper", "VolumeBranchOrder", etc) from the Optimal QSMs.
- “tree_data”:
- Bug fix: Added a statement "C < nc" for a while command that makes sure that the index "C" does not exceed the number of stem cylinders, when determining the index of cylinders up to first branch.
- Bug fix: Changed "for i = 1:BO" to "for i = 1:max(1,BO)" where computing branch order data.
- Added the plotting of the triangulation model
- “initial_boundary_curve”: Added "return" if the "Curve" is empty after it is first defined.
- “curve_based_triangulation”: Removed the plotting of the triangulation model at the end of the code.