The native application for Blop. As an educational exercise, I'm building this as an amalgamation of a bunch of different languages and frameworks.
Note: I'm currently only actively supporting this on Windows.
- Rust for application backend
- TypeScript for application frontend
- Go for server
- Python for very simple code generation
- Tauri for native application support
- Solid for the frontend web framework
- Tokio/Tungstenite for client-side WebSocket communication
- Tailwind (Windicss) for styling
- Gin for server-side REST API
- Gorilla WebSocket for server-side WebSocket API
- Task for task running
Make sure you have the following tools installed.
- Rust (cargo, rustc)
- Go
- Yarn
- Task
git clone
task bootstrap
task client:build
- The compiled binary will be at
. An MSI installer can be found inclient/target/release/bundle/msi/
task server:build
- The compiled binary will be at