This is a Rails plugin/generic library for Ruby to generate the corporation logos used in the MMORPG EVE Online.
Before usage, you need to include the library
require ‘eve_corplogo_generator’Then you can use the generator.[437,456,478], [674,677,677], ‘output.png’) # => Writes the corporation logo for Vanguard Frontiers to output.png[437,456,478], [674,677,677]) # => Creates the image[437,456,478], [674,677,677]).image.to_blob # => The image data[437,456,478], [674,677,677], ‘output.png’, ‘black’) # => Writes the logo to output.png with a black backgroundThe two arrays in the examples above are the shapes and colors of the logo respectively.
Install to a Rails application using the following command (Rails 2.0.2 and greater)
ruby script/plugin install git:// you are using an older Rails version, use
git clone git:// vendor/plugins/eve_corplogo_generatorOnce installed, you can generate documentation using rdoc (cd vendor/plugins/eve_corplogo_generator;rake rdoc).
CLG Source Copyright © 2008 James Harrison, released under the MIT license.
Corporation Logo Images rendered by Entity.
EVE Online, EVE and all associated logos and designs are the intellectual property of CCP hf.