Mai 2023: add multi display support to T-COMPUTER and PICOZX platforms
- You can now configure at boot the display to use for each emulator (Teensy41 or PICO)
- No need for different binaries depending on the display (VGA,ILI and ST displays are all suported)
- Config is stored on the SDCARD
- Press Up while booting to force VGA output at startup (will erase display config => default VGA)
- Press Left while booting to force ST7789 output at startup (will write config)
- Press Right while booting to force ILI9341 output at startup (will write config)
- When configured for non VGA display, you can always push to VGA by pressing ALT iso TAB key to start (on T-COMPUTER)
- Add FMSX and SNES emulators to T-COMPUTER.
- Port of all PICO emulators to the new PICOZX platform of BOBRICIUS
February 2022: introducing T(TEE)-COMPUTER platform based on Teensy41 MCU:
- T-COMPUTER has VGA and TFT video out, Audio out, USB input, embedded 42 keys keyboard and a DB9 joystick input!
- now supported on T-COMPUTER: Apple2, Vic20, C64, Atari800, ZX81, ZXSpectrum, Atari ST, Amiga, Colecovision, Odyssey, NES, SMS, Genesis and Doom.
- new emus for Teensy41: Vic20 and Apple2 based on aiie!
- add AUTORUN feature to Teensy and PICO platforms
- add Floppy write support to Castaway ST emulator
- improved USB keyboard support for existing Teensy41 emus
December 2021:
- Add vic20 emulation to the PICO
October 2021: yet more PICO platforms improvements
- MCUME_REV2 has now dual screen support (TFT+VGA binaries where TFT can be used for keyboard control, or VGA only binaries wo keyboard control)
- Fix keyboard scan for PICOMPUTERMAX (C64,ZX81,ZX Spectrum and Atari800 have now usable keyboard for basic program typing)
September 2021: More PICO platforms improvements
- MCUME_REV2 has now digital inputs for UP/DOWN/LEFT/RIGHT so external C64 joystick can be connected (VGA & TFT binaries)
- PICOMPUTERMAX now supporting ALT and FN(long press on ALT) so more C64 keys can be mapped (FN for Function keys for e.g.)
Click for more news
August 2021: Add support for PICOMPUTERMAX on PICO
- TFT 7789 320x240
July 2021: Add support for TFT dispays on PICO
- MCUME_REV2 supports VGA and TFT (ST or ILI) on same layout
- Add specific support for PICOMPUTER (TFT and full keyboard microswitch)
May 13th 2021: C64 emulator improvement for PICO
- Overclocked to 250MHz for better speed
- Add on screen keyboard for text input
May 2021: few improvements for raspberry pi PICO
- VGA driver stripped down for 8bits RRRGGGBB (red lines bug fixed)...
- Improved PWM audio...
- Add sound to C64 emulator but still running far too slow
- Add SID player application (picosnd)
April 2021: Add initial support for raspberry PICO
- adapted pico scanline library for VGA 8 bits mode (RRRGGGBB), sorry adapted code is embedded...
- SD support from (fixed IRQ to 1)
- rudimentary PWM IRQ based audio (
Far from perfect, lot of bugs, and ... unfortunately C64 emulator has no sound for performance reason!
All what you need is in MCUME_pico. Precompiled binaries in MCUME_pico/bin.
To recompile, look at MCUME_pico/readme.txt
November 2020 UPDATE: Atari ST emulation now supporting MIDI output!
November 2020: move to latest VGA_t4 library for stable HIRES support
- USB mouse added to Amiga/Atari ST emulation
- Amiga sound improved (freq drifting less audible)
- Atari ST now support 640x200 and 640x400 (B/W) modes with double buffering!!!
- Amiga now support 640x240 mode for cleaner workbench!!!
Mid October 2020: Most emulators are now supporing VGA with sound on the Teensy4.1
Experimental I2S sound driver has been added to the VGA_t4 library with minimal DMA disturbances.
If you are experimenting issues (e.g. image flashing out, crash after few minutes):
- try compiling for smallest code iso faster
- ST emu: compile for "smallest code"
- Amiga emu: compile for "smallest code"
- Doom: compile for "faster"
Atari ST emu has now better sound support!
October 2020: DOOM ported to the Teensy4.1 (for VGA and LCD displays)
No sound yet but with USB keyboard support (see VGA prototype PCB below).
June 2020: Update of UAE (Amiga emulator) on Teensy4.1
Now with HDD support, better sound and 68020 emulation.
All for better compatibility...
May 2020: Amiga emulation on Teensy4.1 (with PSRAM) !!!
Here is a video of the emulator running on my prototype board.
March 2020: MSX1/2 emulation on Teensy4.0 (no SDRAM required)
Mini-console prototype with 40 keys keyboard, keypad and 320x240 ST7789 display.
The prototype supports of course all systems below where keyboard is supported!
Nov 2019: Gameboy, Sega Master System/ GameGear and Megadrive/Genesis emulator running with extra 8MB SPI RAM (PSRAM)
Oct 2019: PC-Engine 'tiny' emulator running on Teensy 4.0 using an extra 8MB SPI RAM (PSRAM)
GFX bug due to objs cache limitation is now fixed!
T4 with PSRAM piggy back and latest T4 pcb!
Sep 2019: Teensy 4.0 now running Atari 520ST emulator (68k core based)!!!
Have a look at the video:
This project is a spin-off of the TeensyCEC project
Now ported to much more MCUs!
Computer systems supported and status on various MCU platforms
System | Teensy3.6 | Teensy 4.0 | Teensy4.0 +PSRAM | Teensy4.1 +PSRAM | ESP32 | ESP32-Wrover | Pico |
Zx81 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Zx spectrum | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Atari 800 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
C64 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
VIC20 | X | X | |||||
Apple2 | X | ||||||
Atari 520ST | - | full speed! | X | X (640x400!) | - | slow | - |
8086 XT PC | - | full speed! | X | X | - | slow | - |
MSX1/2 | - | full speed! | X | X | - | - | - |
Amiga | - | - | exp only! | X (640x240!) | - | - | - |
Doom | - | - | - | x | - | - | - |
Please compile for smallest code on the Teensy4.0 else you will run out of memory
For Teensy 4.1 with PSRAM try compiling for smallest code (unless it complains at compilation).
Doom for example only works if compiled for smallest code!
Game console systems supported and status on various MCU platforms
System | Teensy3.6 | Teensy 4.0 | Teensy4 +PSRAM | Teensy4.1 +PSRAM | ESP32 | ESP32-Wrover | Pico |
Atari 2600 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Odyssey/Videopac | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Colecovision | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Atari 5200 | X | X | X | X | X | X | X |
Nintendo NES | X | 384KB roms! | X | X | X | X | - |
Vectrex | - | full speed! | X | X | - | slow | - |
PC Engine | - | - | X | X | - | - | - |
Gameboy/GBColor | - | 490KB roms | X | X | - | - | - |
Sega Master System/Game Gear | - | - | X | X | - | - | - |
Sega Genesis/Megadrive | - | - | X | X | - | - | - |
- Teensy3.6/Teensy4.0, ESP32 Node32S/Wrover SDK chip or Raspberry PICO
- ILI9341 (Teensy/ESP32) or ST7789 (Teensy only) SPI display
- SD card (Teensy uses built-in uSD, ESP32 uses external one connected over SPI, e.g. ILI9341 integrated one)
- Analog joypad (Arduino or PSP like)
- 3 buttons (FIRE, USER1 and USER2)
- I2C custom keyboard or integrated one (for computers emulators)
- Sound (DAC for ESP and Teensy3.6, MQS for Teensy4.0, I2S for Teensy4.1, PWM for PICO)
- VGA output (Teensy 3.6, Teensy 4.1 and Raspberry PICO only)
- 2 extra buttons (USER3 and USER4) mostly for NES emu
- see pinout.txt file in the respective project (ESP32 or Teensy)
- Some KICAD image also available for ESP32
- see i2ckeyboard sub-directory
- the I2C keyboard is using a separate atmega328p MCU handling the keys matrix
- with 10x4 or 10x5 keys
Format the SD card as FAT32
extract the content of in the root directory
there must be a sub-directorie for each emulator
- "2600" => for atarivcs, put your Atari 2600 roms here (.bin), with sub-dirs or not
- "5200" => for atari5200, put your Atari 5200 roms here (.bin)
- "800" => for atari800, put your Atari 800 cartridges here (.rom)
- 'c64" => for c64, put your C64 programs here (.prg), with sub-dirs or not
- "vic20" => for VIC20, put your V20 programs (.prg), with sub-dirs or not
- "apple2" => for Apple2 disks, put your ".dsk" files here, with sub-dirs or not
- "o2em" => for odyssey/videopac, put your Videopac/Odysssey roms here (.bin)
- "coleco" => for colem, put your Colecovision roms here (.rom, including coleco.rom)
- "nes" => for nes/nofrendo, put your .nes files here (e.g. galaga,xevious,mario1...)
- "spec" => for spectrum, put your ".z80" or ".sna" files here into sub-dirs or not ( max 48K )
- "z81" => for zx81, put your ".p", ".81"(, ".56") ".80" or ".o" files here ( max 56K )
- "st" => for AtariST, put your floppis ".st" files here
- "pc" => for 8086, put your HDD image ".img"
- "vectrex" => for Vectrex, put your ".gam" files here
- "pce" => for PC Engine, put your ".pce" files here
- "gameboy" => for Gameboy and GBColor, put your ".gb"/"gbc" files here
- "sms" => for Sega Master System/Game Gear, put your ".sms"/"gg" files here
- "gen" => for Sega Genesis/Megadrive, put your ".smd"/"bin" files here
- "msx" => for MSX roms, put your ".rom"/".msx2" files here. MSX system roms in msx/roms
- "amiga" => for Amiga floppies, put your ".adf" and ".hdf" files here.
- "data" => for Doom, put your WAD files there (doom1,doom2,plutonia or tnt)
insert the card into the SD slot
- open the respective ino file with Arduino SDK
- select DISPLAY MODULE in platform_config.h (ST7789 or ILI9341)!!!!
- select VGA or not in platform_config.h (T4.1 using vgat4 lib, T3.6 using uvga lib)
- double check iopins.h for pins configuration!!!!
- compile and install from there.
- go to espboot directory first:
- make, make flash => this will install custom partition table, bootloader and app selector
- go to any other directory (one by one!):
- Adapt ./ according your OS (I use OSX)
- make, ./
- git clone -b master
- cd pico-sdk/
- git submodule update --init
- export PICO_SDK_PATH=path-to-pico-sdk
- Insure MCUME_pico is NEXT to pico-sdk directory
- go to MCUME_pico/build
- select emulator to compile in CMakeLists.txt (uncomment ${XXX_SOURCES} and comment out the rest)
- select platform options in config/platform_confih.h (e.g. PICOMPUTER, default is MCUME_REV1)
- cmake ..
- make
- drag and drop mcume.uf2 after having boouted the PICO os mass storage mode
- 64 (C64):
- Full speed with sound
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- (only few games working)
- colem (Colecovision):
- Full speed with sound
- vcs (Atari 2600):
- no sound yet
- limited cartridge size support (due to ram constraint)
- o2em (Videopac/Odyssey):
- no sound
- only videopac G7000 games supported (due to ram constraint)
- nofrendo (Nintendo NES):
- Full speed with sound
- 32k roms only supported except on Teensy 4.0
- 5200 (Atari 5200):
- Full speed with sound
- 16 and 32k roms
- speccy (Zx spectrum):
- SNA support (Z80 to be fixed)
- YM and preliminary buzz sound support
- 48k games only supported
- kempston joystick supported but on screen keyboard may not answer in some games
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- 81 (Zx81):
- zx80 and zx81
- .P, .81 and .80 format support (rename .56 for Zx81 hires game that requires 48k or more)
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- HIRES support for zx81
- zx80 support
- YM sound support for zx81
- 800 (Atari 400/800/XE/XL):
- .rom support (no floppy yet)
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- Full speed with sound
- Castaway (AtariST):
- floppy support now with Read and Write access
- I2C or integrated (TEECOMPUTER) keyboard support!
- USB mouse and keyboard support (T4.1)
- with sound
- full speed on Teensy4.0 only!!
- 8086 (XT PC):
- HDD image support
- I2C custom keyboard support!
- no sound
- full speed on Teensy4.0 only!!
- Vectrex (MB Vectrex):
- .gam roms support
- no sound
- full speed on Teensy4.0 only!!
- PCE (PC Engine):
- .pce roms support
- Nearly full speed with sound
- Some games hang or do not start as Outrun, Powerdrift...
- SMS/GG (Sega Master System/Game Gear):
- Full speed with sound
- Gameboy (and Game Boy Color):
- Full speed with sound
- Major missing background issue
- Genesis (Sega Megadrive):
- Nearly Full speed with rarely sound
- Some background rotation issue
- Some games do not start
- MSX1/2:
- Full speed with sound
- up to 256KB roms
- some games are not working as uridium2
- Amiga:
- Full speed with sound
- up to 2MB chip RAM + 4MB expand fast RAM roms
- HDF (Hard Disk) and adf support
- USB mouse and keyboard support (T4.1)
- Improved compatibility (still no AGA support!)
- Doom:
- Full speed without sound
- Vic20:
- Initial Audio
- Compatibility issues (dont expect to run mario and other demos!)
- Apple2:
- No Audio
- Compatibility issues
- ESP32 only: Select the emulator from the app selector screen and press FIRE (wait a bit that the SD get mounted)
- For the launched emulator you should see the roms of the SD card being listed
- you can select the rom with up/down
- you can start the game by pressing the FIRE key
- while the game is running, you might have to press USER1 or USER2 keys to start the game
- some emulators requires the I2Ckeyboard
- You can then play the game with the analog joystick and the FIRE/USER1 keys
- press the USER1+USER2 to reboot the emulator and load another ROM
- USER2 can be used to swap joystick 1/2 in some emulators
- Fire button is mapped to key 'TAB'
- USER2 is mapped to key "fn"
- USER1 is mapped to "fn+DEL"
- for PICO64, fb+DEL can be used to load selected game
- AUTORUN: keep fn key pressed until LED flashes. Launch game with fire. (to remove AUTORUN, press down key at reset)
I mostly ported the emulators from existing projects, all the credit goes to the authors of
colem, o2em , x2600, moarnes, mc-4u, sz81, atari800, Vice, Nofrendo, jun52, dcastaway, vectrexemu (sorry if I don't mention their name), Charles Macdonald (TGemu), Bernd Schmidt (UAE), Author of Aiie, Vic20 emu and Mike Chambers for his 8086 Arduino project!
Doom is based on the ST32 port of chocolate doom so thanks for initial porting effort.
Thanks a lot also to Frank Boesing for his ILI DMA library from which I started from and his great Teensy64 project