This is a modern cache implementation, inspired by the following papers, provides high efficiency.
- SIEVE | SIEVE is Simpler than LRU: an Efficient Turn-Key Eviction Algorithm for Web Caches (NSDI'24)
- S3-FIFO | FIFO queues are all you need for cache eviction (SOSP'23)
- W-TinyLFU | TinyLFU: A Highly Efficient Cache Admission Policy
This offers state-of-the-art efficiency and scalability compared to other LRU-based cache algorithms.
[!LRU_Cache] Least recents used cache eviction policy for cache your data in-memory for fast access.
const std = @import("std");
const lru = @import("lru");
const cache = lru.LruCache(.locking, u8, []const u8);
pub fn main() !void {
// Create a cache backed by DRAM
var lrucache = try cache.init(std.heap.page_allocator, 4);
defer lrucache.deinit();
// Add an object to the cache
try lrucache.insert(1, "one");
try lrucache.insert(2, "two");
try lrucache.insert(3, "three");
try lrucache.insert(4, "four");
// Most recently used cache
std.debug.print("mru: {s} \n", .{lrucache.mru().?.value});
// least recently used cache
std.debug.print("lru: {s} \n", .{lrucache.lru().?.value});
// remove from cache
_ = lrucache.remove(1);
// Check if an object is in the cache O/P: false
std.debug.print("key: 1 exists: {} \n", .{lrucache.contains(1)});
as a dependency in yourbuild.zig.zon
example.{ .name = "<name_of_your_package>", .version = "<version_of_your_package>", .dependencies = .{ .caches = .{ .url = "<git_tag_or_commit_hash>.tar.gz", .hash = "<package_hash>", }, }, }
, and Zig will provide the correct found value in an error message. -
as a module in yourbuild.zig
exampleconst lrucache = b.dependency("caches", .{}); exe.addModule("lrucache", lrucache.module("lrucache"));