Make runner for VsCode. Simplify your development by easily running your makefiles commands directly from your IDE interface.
- Create your "Makefile" at the root of your project
- Show the Makefiles-Runner panel
- Run any command with one click 🚀
Makefile allows you to simply run your makefile commands from the side bar panel.
: Sorts the makefile commands shown in the panel in alphabetical order, defaults to false. When disabled, commands are shown in the same order as they appear within the makefile itself.displayDescriptionCommentsInPanel"
: Optionally shows the convention-based comment about each command in the makefile as text next to each command in the panel, defaults to true. Descriptions will be shown on-hover regardless of the value of this setting.alwaysCreateNewTerminal
: Creates a new terminal rather than reusing an existing one when set true, defaults to false.reuseMatchingTerminal
: Reuses the first terminal with a matching command label when set true, defaults to false. Overrides alwaysCreateNewTerminal if both set true, so new terminals will only be created when running a command with no matching terminal.
Please read for details on our code of conduct, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- Akecel - Extension author
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details.
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