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A two-week effort to help support indie developers shipping apps on Apple's platforms who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.


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Indie Support Weeks in the Apple Developer Community

Indie Support Weeks is an open two-week effort aimed at helping indie developers within the Apple Developer Community who have been financially impacted by the current global COVID-19 pandemic.

As people are self-isolating around the world, businesses are closing, and many of our normal day-to-day activities are put on hold, many indie developers have seen their sales numbers take a big hit. For some developers, who rely on the income from their apps as the main way to support themselves and their families, this loss of revenue can lead to tricky and difficult situations, to say the least.

So for two weeks — between the 30th of March and 12th of April, 2020 — multiple websites, podcasts, newsletters and YouTube channels are joining efforts in order to help support indie developers shipping apps on Apple’s platforms. If you want to support this effort, you’ve come to the right place. This repository contains information on how you can help out, a list of indie apps whose developers have asked for support, and answers to common questions.

Participating partners

These websites/channels are joining Indie Support Weeks, and will promote certain indie apps for free on their channels during the two-week period:

How to join the effort

Anyone is more than welcome to join this effort, and doing so is simple. You don’t actually have to do anything in particular — the simplest way to help out is to just pick an indie app that you like from the below list, and promote it! You’re completely free to participate however you’d like.

However, if you’d like to more “formally” join this effort, then here’s how you can do that:

  1. Add a link to your website/channel above, under “Participating partners”.
  2. Pick a few apps that you’d like to promote, and mark them by filling in your website/channel’s name within the “Promoted by” column in the table below.
  3. Anytime during the 30th of March and the 12th of April, promote your selected apps on your website/channel, in any way you’d like. You could, for example, replace any ads that you’re normally running with links to your selected indie apps, post reviews of them, or just talk about them in a podcast or video. It’s all up to you!
  4. If the platform of your choice includes tagging, please use the #IndieSupportWeeks tag to increase discoverability and reach.

You do not need to credit John, Swift by Sundell, or any other person/entity while taking part in this effort. Simply mentioning that you’re participating in Indie Support Weeks and linking to this repo is more than enough, and even that is not required.


The following list of apps was gathered by John Sundell based on Direct Messages from indie developers, prompted by this tweet, as well as Pull Requests submitted by the community. Note that this list is just based on raw data, and is presented as-is — no quality checks have been made, and it is possible that the list contains incorrect information.

If you’re participating in Indie Support Weeks and want to help promote some of these apps, it’s recommended that you first:

  • Reach out to the developer (each app entry has a Twitter account associated with it), to make sure that you get the right information about the app, and up-to-date assets, such as logos and screenshots.
  • Mark the name of your website/channel in the “Promoted by” column, by submitting a Pull Request. While the same app can of course be promoted by multiple people, we’ll maximize the spread of apps that we’re able to promote by making sure that everyone won’t promote the exact same set of apps.
App Developer’s Twitter account Promoted by
30 Day Fitness Workout at Home @edouard_iosdev Sean Allen, Code With Chris
ActivityChamp: Watch & Track @baduxdaniel
Adaptivity (A) @geoffhackworth Hacking with Swift, Sean Allen
AdiPosse - Body Weight Tracker @bennoland
ArcadeDefense @mredig
Asset Catalog Creator Pro @MarkBridgesApps Ashish Kakkad
Aurora: Color Picker @JPEGuin Hacking with Swift
AvoToast: Meal Planning For Weight Loss @joshgachnang
Batteries for Mac @ronyfadel @davidgagne Donny Wals
BBEdit @siegel Hacking with Swift, Donny Wals
Beep Me - Reminders @kalsky
BentoBlox Puzzle Game @mattThousand Donny Wals
beorg: To-Do List & Agenda @beorgapp Christian Tietze
Big Hairy Goal @berbie
Bikeaholic - Activity tracker @MetaImi
Bill Organizer by Money Master @Matt1Corey
Bitesnap: Photo Food Journal @michalwols
Book Track @BookTrackApp Sean Allen
Book Level Checker @publicbull
BuildCores: PC Parts & Builds @KahlonHarshdeep
CardPointers for Credit Cards @emcro
Cascable @iKenndac Hacking with Swift
Cascadea @CascadeaApp Marin Todorov
Casita @Pirocso
C-Command: Mac Software @mjtsai Christian Tietze
Cheatsheet @aoverholtzer Swift by Sundell
Chronicle - Bill Organizer @LittleFinLLC
Circuitry - 3D Circuit Builder @n_crda
Cleora @natpanferova
CodeKit @bdkjones Donny Wals
Code News @FagadariuMarcel Ashish Kakkad
Coin - Focus Timer @Gabriel07__
Contacts Journal CRM @zulfishah
Countdown App @adelmaer
CountdownBar - days counter @aleksanderpopko
Countdowns - Track Events @shayesapps Launched
Country Facts @m_galvagno
Create Booklet 2 @TheKeptPromise
CrispyCrypto @ilyagruzhevski
Cursor Pro @martinlexow Swift by Sundell
Daily Puzzles @NormanBitSolace
DataOrganizer @bayhoff
dbHarbor @dbharborapp
DD-WRT @venderbase
Dejal Time Out @dejus
Deuce - Tennis Scorekeeper @AustinConlon
Diagrams @lukaskubanek Swift by Sundell
Diagram.Codes Studio @hugozap
Digital Photo Frame @manuelescrig
Do I need it? @maurogarcia_19
DrawRun - Easily start running @jordibruin SwiftLee
DrinkControl: Alcohol Tracker @xjki
Dr. Proto: iPad protototyping with the Apple pencil @drprotoapp
Dualgram @samwize
Easy Calendar @tomvanzummeren SwiftLee
EasyGit @verigak
EBook Library: Easy PDF reader @JJAllenTech
Email Me Notes @manuelescrig
Endless Paper @circuit_tree Swift by Sundell
EveryPlan: Routines for Wellbeing @misha_drachuk
Eye Timer for Mac - Prevent eye strain @adelmaer
Fabula @JPEGuin Benoit Pasquier
Family Graves Map @PawelMadejCK
Feriapp @feriappofficial
Find My Parcels @Kablonetuser
Fireworks @BesherMaleh Swift over Coffee, Swift by Sundell, Sean Allen
FM Partners @bhamm
FNote - Foreign Note Card @bdaralan
Formatter @samuelgoodwin
FormConnect Pro @formconnections
FrogRadio @FrogRadioHQ
Geography of the World @Tricertops
Glyphfinder @hanspagel Donny Wals
Gradient Game @rudrankriyam Donny Wals
guitλR - practice smλrter @schipkowski
HazeOver — Distraction Dimmer™ for Mac @pointum Swift by Sundell
HealthFit @slizeray
Helvault - MTG Card Scanner @vitorcesco
Highlighted: Book Highlighter @stuhecdamir
Home Inventory @DianeRHamilton
Homely - Shared Task Manager @umar__haroon Donny Wals
Horcrux Email Backup @suhastech
HTTPBot - REST Client @arvindhsukumar
huedoku: original color puzzle @gabemott
Huh? Dictionary @yaapete
iFont: find, install any font @CameronFLeask
IntelliList - Shopping List @mariozullo @PeteStojanowski
IPTV - Streams @andremartingo
Iron - Workout Tracker @swiftkarim
iScreensaver Designer @XochiMedia
Jump Assistant @neilhiddink Swift over Coffee
Juno @alexstaravoitau
Kalkyl @a_joensson
Kana - Hiragana and Katakana @Romain_Pellen
Kiddo Cards: Letters, Numbers+ @onlytruejustin
Killa Komets @DannyJohnLaw
Learn Japanese: Sensei @Romain_Pellen
Libi Mood Tracker @breakthesystem
Limits by Money Master @Matt1Corey Code With Chris
Lingo - Pocket English School @mufasaYC
Litur - Find your colors @knightbenax Swift by Sundell
MAGIC KIT Pro @MNLeatherbarrow
Mame Cast @StayMing
Markdown Tables @appsonthemove
Mate Translate @GikkenHQ
Meal Reminders @PedroAnibarro
Metronomics Metronome @jnpdx
Mexican Train Dominoes @MexicanTrainDom
MIDITROL - The MIDI Controller for wireless gamepads @luiscript
Mindful Affirmations @nyeeu
Minutes App @0xjorgev
Mirror to Google Chromecast TV @martinho_t
Mission Control Plus @ronyfadel
Mouseless @hanspagel
MoviX - TV Tracker @hegedus90
MusicHarbor - Track New Music @mactanaka Ordinary Coding
Music Vibes - Feel the Music! @craiggrummitt Donny Wals
myTextViewer @kalsky
Nanolens - Visual Search Made By Groups @joshuamchoi
NapBot - Auto Sleep Tracker @mecid
NativeConnect @vadimshpakovski
Neo Path - a Neomorphistic Hyper Casual Game! @NeoPathGame
Neon: Color and Gradient Maker @SwapnanilDhol Donny Wals
NetSnips: Web Clips Dashboard @netsnips
NewsWave: RSS Feed Reader @MarcMasVi
NFC for iPhone @N1C0_MUC
Nighthawk @samhenrigold
Nihongo - Japanese Dictionary @chrisvasselli
NitroNotes @adam_fallon_
None to Run: Start Running @jeffbailey
NotePlan @metzgereduard
Nowcast - commuter weather app @wvabrinskas
Overdue: Safety Check In @Jax_Evans
PackCheck Packing List @murraysagal
Panorama X @provuejim
Pasta @wessley
Pauses @IrradiatedApps
PDF Archiver @JuKa1205
PDFs Split & Merge @zen_prog
Pennant @thillsman Launched
Pinc - Manage Pin & Pass Codes @pinc_app
Pine - Deep Breathing @casey_bennett
PLYR @chih98
Pocketdex for Pokémon GO @Surenix
Polly Lingual @adjwilli
Poly - Bouncy Ball 3D @deniskako_
ProTracker Calorie Diet & Keto @protrackerapp
Proxyman @_nghiatran
Publicist @samuelgoodwin Swift over Coffee
Pushever - APNS Tester @soulchildpls
QuickPlan @iosmobilinked
QuickRes @jshchnz
Quiet @lighthouse16_hq
Rainbow Music. @walford_east
Random Number Generator App @adelmaer
RiskDoctor - Option Trading @RiskNiOSMusings
RailModeller Pro @IsleOfTheKakapo
Rep Up @RecursiveSwift Code With Chris
reDraw Whiteboard @davereed
Reflow @sebbourgeois
Remove master for camera roll @suniladhyaru
Ria Action Adventure @AlexKissiJr
Robot Call Blocker @MurphyBrantley
Rotato @mortenjust A Swiftly Tilting Planet, Hacking with Swift
RunIn - Running Training @fnazarios
Salari @luispnez
Samplist @alexbuga
Screenie @jshchnz
Screenshot Creator @MarkBridgesApps Hacking with Swift
Secrets @pfandrade_ Swift Weekly Brief
Secret Signs @wwalmink
Sensei @oskargroth
Series – Photo Collage Maker @rcarver
Shift Keyboard - Apple Watch Keyboard @AdamFootUK
shiftscreen - Second screen for iOS @shiftscreen
ShopIT - Shared Grocery List @SoMiinO
Shortlist @markhmwong Code With Chris
SimpleRecipes - Beta @OsterbergJordan
SketchParty TV @mattbraun Marin Todorov, SwiftLee
Sleek Calendar @enseeyab
Sleepytime @IrradiatedApps
Slid - Story of your activity @s_tsarikovskiy
Slideas @AgaricPerdereau Swift over Coffee
SmallCubed MailSuite @SmallCubed
SmartCards+ Spaced Repetition @joeleblanc
Smartrips @EliasEsquivelM
Snapthread @bhansmeyer Hacking with Swift
Snipline @mitchartemis
Socialite @jacobgorban
SolarWatch Sunrise Sunset Time @ekurutepe
SoloSlides - Google Photos slideshow @timcarrphoto
Soulver @zac_coh Swift by Sundell, Christian Tietze
SongSheet Pro - Chord Charts @GabrielHauber
Soor @tanmays
Sudeb @sudebapp
Spark Camera & Video Editor @dyah10
Sparkle @duncanwilcox Marin Todorov
SquareSynth @DrumSessionss
SUBWAY:NYC - Map + Train Times @elliot_schrock
Sticker Maker • Creator Studio @honda_willian
StudIO - Code @arthur_guiot Hacking with Swift
Supercharger map for Tesla @t3ix
SVG Assets – Icon Exporter @neriusv
SwapTales: Leon! @dhartbit
Sweet Hue @SweetHueApp
Swish @ch_renn Ordinary Coding
Sundial @t9mike Swift Weekly Brief
Super Easy Timer @PaulSolt Code With Chris
TableFlip: Markdown Table Editor @ctietze
TalkJot – Voice-to-Email Notes @ATORKO_
Tap Forms @tapforms
Task List - To Do List App @adelmaer
Taskmator - TaskPaper Client @Taskmator
Tempo for Runners @rmatta
Text Case @chrishannah
The Archive - Plain.txt note taking @ctietze
Thirstic - Smart Water Tracker @thirstic
TimeCrunch: Homework Tool @LzCtrl
Timeflower @zgjie
Timeless @boyvanamstel Swift Weekly Brief
Timeless Meditation @arthurofbabylon Code With Chris
Timelines Time Tracking @luksape
Timemator @sebakotiv
Together Family Video Chat @echamussy
TokeiTango @tokeitango
Train Beacon @mobile_appz
Treeceps: Fitness Workout Game @JoeWaldow
TripMode: Save Money, Browse Faster @tripmodeCH
UPtoU @cikpis
Vana: Break Bad Habits @jaketheiosdev Code With Chris
VAT Making Tax Digital @venderbase
Vekt - Weight Tracking @hiddevdploeg
Vinyl Fetish - music player @VinylFetishApp
Visits Journal @RecursiveSwift
Viso @knightbenax
Voice Rec Pro @marcel__mendes
Voice Commander Daw @VoiceCommander
Water & Coffee @NickFoster56
WeatherGO - Temperature App @Piazza_Chris
WeatherKit @perte
Weather Line @rjonesy Code With Chris
Weight Loss Tracker App @deepak_iosdev
WordCounter @ctietze
When Did I…? @heidi_helen Swiftjective-C, Donny Wals
When Do - A Complication @AndrewCodeChimp
Wifibooth the PRO photo booth @timcarrphoto
Wild Journey @workbymark
Working Copy @palmin Swift by Sundell, Hacking with Swift, Christian Tietze
World Clock Time Widget @lewisMakesApps
WRD Scanner Pro @dsteppenbeck
WX Workout Scheduler @mattglover

Answers to common questions

When will Indie Support Weeks take place?

Between the 30th of March and the 12th of April, 2020.

Who’s behind this effort?

This effort was started by John Sundell of Swift by Sundell. It has since grown to include multiple websites, YouTube channels, newsletters and other creators who are planning to help support various indie developers during the two-week period.

Indie Support Weeks is a community-driven effort and is not affiliated with Apple.

I’m running a website or other channel, and want to help out. How do I join?

See the “How to join the effort” section.

Can I participate in this effort outside of the main two weeks?

Of course, participate however you’d like. The more we can help the indies within our community, the better. It’s just that this coordinated effort will happen during those two weeks.

I’m not running a website or anything like that, but would still like to help out. How can I do that?

Here are a few ways to help out:

  • Download/purchase some of the apps listed above.
  • Share this effort on Twitter or another social network.
  • Share any of the above apps on Twitter or another social network.

Why is this effort focused on indie developers in particular?

While there are countless people around the world facing hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic, every effort needs to focus on some form of target group. There are many people who need help right now, and no-one can do everything, but everyone can do something. This effort is a few creators/website hosts within the Apple Developer community doing something.

Is it guaranteed that the developers of the above apps are struggling financially?

No, not at all. The above list was simply compiled from Twitter messages from developers themselves, as well as from Pull Requests submitted by the community, and hasn’t been filtered. The original tweet prompting developers to submit their apps explicitly mentioned “indie devs [that] are suffering from lower sales/income because of the current situation”, but at the end of the day, we have to take people at their word.

I’m an indie developer who could use some support, how do I add my app?

Submit a Pull Request that adds your app to the list. Please keep the list in alphabetic order.

My app is on the above list, but I no longer wish to be included in this effort. How do I remove my app?

Submit a Pull Request that removes your app from the list.

Can I submit a product other than an iOS/macOS/watchOS/tvOS app to be included in the above list?

No, sorry. This effort is focused on indie developers shipping apps on Apple’s platforms.

I want to start a similar effort, but within another community, is that OK?

Of course! The more we can help people who are in need of support during these difficult times, the better.

I have another question, where can I ask it?

Submit a Pull Request adding your question to this document, and someone from the team will try to answer it as soon as possible.


A two-week effort to help support indie developers shipping apps on Apple's platforms who have been financially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.







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