Removeddit is a site for viewing removed comments / threads from Reddit.
Just go to any reddit thread and change the reddit
in the URL to removeddit
to see all removed comments.
This is a done by comparing the comments being stored in Jason Baumgartners Pushshift Reddit API and the ones from Reddit API. The frontend is written in React and uses Sass as the CSS Preprocessor. There is also a seperate backend used for storing what threads that have been removed by mods. This backend is really just a mirror of /r/undelete.
Download npm
git clone && cd removeddit
npm install
npm start
This will build the Javascript files and launch a local server for development. Visit http://localhost:8080 and make sure the site is running. If you're getting connection errors to Reddit or Pushshift, it might be because you're running a VPN. Try turning it off for development.
The CSS is build seperatly (to keep the build steps / configs very simple) by running
npm run css