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✨ Bot
✨ Bot
Showcasing a Kord Extensions-based bot
📦 Docs
📦 Docs
Relating to our documentation
📦 Gradle Plugins
📦 Gradle Plugins
Relating to our Gradle plugins
📦 Infrastructure
📦 Infrastructure
Relating to our services and infrastructure, such as the Maven repo
📦 Kord Extensions
📦 Kord Extensions
Relating to the core module
✨ Library
✨ Library
Showcasing a Kord Extensions-related library
📦 Module
📦 Module
Relating to a first-party module
📦 Template
📦 Template
Relating to the template project
✨ Tool
✨ Tool
Showcasing a Kord Extensions-related tool
📦 Translations
📦 Translations
Relating to our translations
📦 Website
📦 Website
Relating to our website