This is template for front-end projects (HTML, CSS, JS) with Bootstrap 4 (grid & reboot), Font-Awesome 5, Gulp, Pug, Sass, Browsersync, Autoprefixer, Clean-CSS, Uglify and Rsync. The template contains a .htaccess file with caching rules for web server.
styles structure based on this article by FreeCodeCamp:
repository of this article's template (in future I want to make starter-tamplate based on this template) :
Download this template from GitHub;
Install Node Modules: npm i;
Run the template: gulp;
Build project: gulp build.
base: in here, put all your boilerplate code. By boilerplate, I mean all CSS code you’re gonna write each time you’ll start a new project. For example: typography rules, animations, utilities (by utilities, I mean classes like margin-right-large , text-center , …) and so on.
components: The name is explicit here. This folder contains all the components used to build your pages like your buttons, forms, swipers, popups, and so on.
layout: used to layout the different parts of your page, that is to say, your header, footer, navigation, section, your own grid, and more.
pages:: You may sometimes have a page that has its own specific style, that stands out from what you do usually. Then put your style in the pages folder.
themes:: If you have different themes for your app (dark mode, admin, and so on) put them in this folder.
abstracts:: Put all your functions here, along with variables and mixins. In short, all your helpers.
vendors:: what would be an app or a project without external libraries? Put in the vendors folder all files that don’t depend on you. You may want to add your Font Awesome file, Bootstrap, and stuff like that in here.
@import abstracts/variables;
@import abstracts/functions;
@import base/reset;
@import base/typography;
@import base/utilities;
@import components/button;
@import components/form;
@import components/user-navigation;
@import layout/header;
@import layout/footer;
Это шаблон для фронт-энд проектов (HTML, CSS, JS) с Bootstrap 4 (grid & reboot), Font-Awesome 5, Gulp, Pug, Sass, Browsersync, Autoprefixer, Clean-CSS, Uglify and Rsync. Шаблон содержит .htaccess-файл с кешированием для веб-серверов.
структура стилей основана на этой статье от FreeCodeCamp:
репозиторий на шаблон из этой статьи (в будущем я хочу сделать свой starter-template основанным на этом шаблоне):
Скачать этот шаблон с GitHub;
Установить Node модули: npm i;
Запуск шаблона: gulp;
Сборка проекта: gulp build.
base: in here, put all your boilerplate code. By boilerplate, I mean all CSS code you’re gonna write each time you’ll start a new project. For example: typography rules, animations, utilities (by utilities, I mean classes like margin-right-large , text-center , …) and so on.
components: The name is explicit here. This folder contains all the components used to build your pages like your buttons, forms, swipers, popups, and so on.
layout: used to layout the different parts of your page, that is to say, your header, footer, navigation, section, your own grid, and more.
pages:: You may sometimes have a page that has its own specific style, that stands out from what you do usually. Then put your style in the pages folder.
themes:: If you have different themes for your app (dark mode, admin, and so on) put them in this folder.
abstracts:: Put all your functions here, along with variables and mixins. In short, all your helpers.
vendors:: what would be an app or a project without external libraries? Put in the vendors folder all files that don’t depend on you. You may want to add your Font Awesome file, Bootstrap, and stuff like that in here.