##Additional Form Components
This collection of classes add functionality to the Symfony2 Form component.
To install the form component simply add it to your composer.json requirements:
"require": {
"lrotherfield/form": "2.0.x-dev",
And then run composer.phar update
###Hidden entity type
To use the hidden entity type you need to register it as a service in your config.yml or a services.yml file:
class: Lrotherfield\Component\Form\Type\HiddenEntityType
- @doctrine.orm.entity_manager
- { name: form.type, alias: hidden_entity }
You can use then use the type with the form builder:
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('example', 'hidden_entity', array(
"class" => "Lrotherfield\\Bundle\\ExampleBundle\\Entity\\ExampleEntity"
The only additional requirement is the "class" option which must be a fully qualified namespace to the entity that you want to be used in the transformation