Tunnel Tool is a small tool helping to access remote servers. Features:
- Open SSH Tunnels to various servers
- Download Logfiles
- Open Database Connections
- Upload Files to Servers
Checkout the project and use:
$ mvn package
Executable files will be created at /target/jfx/native
To avoid hardcoding of different connections, scripts can be defined via "File -> Settings"
Example configuration entry: "Our special QS Database"
@echo off
start /min plink.exe -l username -P 22 -pw password -L 1111:myqsserver:22 testserverbetween
start /min plink.exe -l username -P 1111 -pw password -L 1550:mydbserver:1560 localhost
Example configuration entry: "Our special QS File Access"
@echo off
start /min plink.exe -l username -P 22 -pw password -L 1122:myqsserver:22 testserverbetween
winscp.exe sftp://username:password@localhost:1122/my/target/files/folder/
taskkill /IM plink.exe
SQL Developer path,
eg. "C:\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper.exe"
Temp File Upload Script example:
@echo off
start /min plink.exe -l username -P 22 -pw password -L 1122:myqsserver:22 testserverbetween
ping -n 3 > nul
winscp.exe sftp://username:password@localhost:1122/tmp/ /upload %FILENAME%
putty.exe -ssh username@localhost -P 1122 -pw password -m %PUTTYFILE%
taskkill /IM plink.exe
Prod File Movement Script example:
echo "cp /tmp/%FILENAME% /my/target/folder/%FILENAME% ; /bin/bash" | sudo /bin/su - userToUse
This software contains plink.exe (PuTTY License), putty.exe PuTTY License) and winscp.exe (WinSCP License). All rights of these applications belong to their creators. They are not covered by the license used by TunnelTool.