A bot that aims to serve humans queries and give an feasible answer to their queries. It is a machine-learning discussion dialog engine which makes it possible to generate responses based on collections of old conversations.
- ML
- Python
- Tensorflow
- Rasa FrameWork
- Rasa X based deployment
The Covid-19 chatbot helps the users to get detailed information about Covid-19. Some of the features are identifying if anyone is Corona positive or not, giving information of Covid cases in their area, telling precautions, symptoms, updates of vaccine, nearby hospitals, protection measures, antibiotics, mask and tries to answer all the queries of a user regarding Covid-19.
=> Fork this repository to start contributing.
=> Open your Git Bash command window and in the root directory type the following commands :
1) git init -initializes the git repository from the GitHub.
2) git clone -Clone the repository to your local machine
(git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/LetsUpgrade/CHIT-CHAT.git)
=> Once we are on Project Directory in Terminal or Command Prompt, Follow the below commands :-
rasa train
To train the Modelrasa shell
To start Chatbot and chat with it.rasa run actions
Use this command in different Terminal or Command Prompt to start the custom actions server.
To know the detailed process head over here
- You can find our Final Project demo here