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SpawnDev.BlazorJS.SimplePeer brings the amazing simple-peer library to Blazor WebAssembly.

SpawnDev.BlazorJS.SimplePeer uses SpawnDev.BlazorJS for Javascript interop allowing strongly typed, full usage of the simple-peer Javascript library. Voice, video and data channels are all fully supported in Blazor WebAssembly. The SpawnDev.BlazorJS.SimplePeer API is a strongly typed version of the API found at the simple-peer repo.


Simple Demo

Getting started

Add the Nuget package SpawnDev.BlazorJS.SimplePeer to your project using your package manager of choice.

Modify the Blazor WASM Program.cs to initialize SpawnDev.BlazorJS for Javascript interop.
Example Program.cs

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.Web;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.WebAssembly.Hosting;
using SpawnDev.BlazorJS;
using SpawnDev.BlazorJS.SimplePeer;
using SpawnDev.BlazorJS.SimplePeer.Demo;

var builder = WebAssemblyHostBuilder.CreateDefault(args);
// Add SpawnDev.BlazorJS interop
// Load the SimplePeer Javascript library. Can be called in a component instead if desired, or loaded using a <script> tag in the index.html
await SimplePeer.Init();
// Run app using BlazorJSRunAsync extension method
await builder.Build().BlazorJSRunAsync();

Blazor version of: simple-peer usage example

@page "/"
@using System.Text;
@using System.Text.Json;
@using SpawnDev.BlazorJS;
@using SpawnDev.BlazorJS.JSObjects;
@using SpawnDev.BlazorJS.JSObjects.WebRTC;
@implements IDisposable

<PageTitle>SimplePeer Test</PageTitle>

<h1>SimplePeer Test</h1>

    An "offer" will be generated by the initiator. Paste this into the receiver's form and
    hit submit. The receiver generates an "answer". Paste this into the initiator's form and
    hit submit. <a href="">Original Example</a>

    Role: @peerRole<br />
    <button disabled="@(peer != null)" class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="@(()=>Init(true))">Create Initiator</button>
    <button disabled="@(peer != null)" class="btn btn-primary" @onclick="@(()=>Init(false))">Create Receiver</button>

    <textarea style="width: 600px; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: normal;" @bind=@incoming></textarea>
    <button disabled="@(peer == null)" @onclick=@Submit>submit</button>
<pre style="width: 600px; word-wrap: break-word; white-space: normal;">@((MarkupString)outgoing)</pre>

@code {
    string peerRole => peer == null ? "(select)" : (peer.Initiator ? "initiator" : "receiver");
    SimplePeer? peer = null;
    string outgoing = "";
    string incoming = "";

    void Init(bool initiator)
        peer = new SimplePeer(new SimplePeerOptions
                Initiator = initiator,
                Trickle = false,
        peer.OnError += SimplePeer_OnError;
        peer.OnSignal += SimplePeer_OnSignal;
        peer.OnConnect += SimplePeer_OnConnect;
        peer.OnClose += SimplePeer_OnClose;
        peer.OnData += SimplePeer_OnData;

    void Submit()

    void SimplePeer_OnConnect()
        outgoing = "Connected<br/>";
        // send string
        peer!.Send("Hello " + Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
        // send byte array (binary data)
        peer!.Send(new byte[] { 65, 66, 67, 68 });

    void SimplePeer_OnClose()
        outgoing += "Closed<br/>";

    void SimplePeer_OnSignal(JSObject data)
        outgoing = JSON.Stringify(data);

    void SimplePeer_OnError(NodeError error)
        outgoing = error.Code! + "<br/>";
    void SimplePeer_OnData(NodeBuffer data)
        outgoing += "Binary: " + Encoding.UTF8.GetString((byte[])data!) + "<br/>";

    public void Dispose()
        if (peer != null)
            peer.OnError -= SimplePeer_OnError;
            peer.OnSignal -= SimplePeer_OnSignal;
            peer.OnConnect -= SimplePeer_OnConnect;
            peer.OnClose -= SimplePeer_OnClose;
            peer.OnData -= SimplePeer_OnData;
            peer = null;

An "offer" will be generated by the initiator. Paste this into the receiver's form and hit submit. The receiver generates an "answer". Paste this into the initiator's form and hit submit.

Now you have a direct P2P connection between two browsers!


peer = new SimplePeer([SimplePeerOptions opts])

Create a new WebRTC peer connection.

A "data channel" for text/binary communication is always established, because it's cheap and often useful. For video/voice communication, pass the stream option.

If opts is specified, then the default options (shown below) will be overridden.

  Initiator: false,
  ChannelConfig: {},
  ChannelName: '<random string>',
  Config: { iceServers: [{ urls: '' }, { urls: '' }] },
  OfferOptions: {},
  AnswerOptions: {},
  Stream: false,
  Streams: [],
  Trickle: true,
  AllowHalfTrickle: false,
  ObjectMode: false

The SimplePeerOptions properties do the following:

  • Initiator - bool set to true if this is the initiating peer
  • ChannelConfig - RTCDataChannelOptions custom webrtc data channel configuration (used by createDataChannel)
  • ChannelName - string custom webrtc data channel name
  • Config - RTCConfiguration custom webrtc configuration (used by RTCPeerConnection constructor)
  • OfferOptions - RTCOfferOptions custom offer options (used by createOffer method)
  • AnswerOptions - RTCAnswerOptions custom answer options (used by createAnswer method)
  • Stream - MediaStream if video/voice is desired, pass stream returned from getUserMedia
  • Streams - MediaStream[] an array of MediaStreams returned from getUserMedia
  • Trickle - bool set to false to disable trickle ICE and get a single 'signal' event (slower)
  • ObjectMode - bool set to true to create the stream in Object Mode. In this mode, incoming string data is not automatically converted to NodeBuffer objects.


peer.Signal(object data)

Call this method whenever the remote peer emits a peer.OnSignal event.

The data will encapsulate a webrtc offer, answer, or ice candidate. These messages help the peers to eventually establish a direct connection to each other. The contents of these messages are an implementation detail that can be ignored by the user of this module; simply pass the data from 'signal' events to the remote peer and call peer.signal(data) to get connected.

peer.Send(string/TypedArray/ArrayBuffer/Blob/byte[] data)

Send text/binary data to the remote peer. data can be any of several types: string, Buffer (see buffer), TypedArray (Uint8Array, etc.), ArrayBuffer, or Blob (in browsers that support it).

Note: If this method is called before the peer.OnConnect event has fired, then an exception will be thrown. Use peer.Write(data) (which is inherited from the node.js duplex stream interface) if you want this data to be buffered instead.

peer.AddStream(MediaStream stream)

Add a MediaStream to the connection.

peer.RemoveStream(MediaStream stream)

Remove a MediaStream from the connection.

peer.AddTrack(MediaStreamTrack track, MediaStream stream)

Add a MediaStreamTrack to the connection. Must also pass the MediaStream you want to attach it to.

peer.RemoveTrack(MediaStreamTrack track, MediaStream stream)

Remove a MediaStreamTrack from the connection. Must also pass the MediaStream that it was attached to.

peer.ReplaceTrack(MediaStreamTrack oldTrack, MediaStreamTrack newTrack, MediaStream stream)

Replace a MediaStreamTrack with another track. Must also pass the MediaStream that the old track was attached to.

peer.AddTransceiver(string kind, RTCRtpTransceiverOptions init)

Add a RTCRtpTransceiver to the connection. Can be used to add transceivers before adding tracks. Automatically called as necessary by AddTrack.

peer.Destroy([NodeError err])

Destroy and cleanup this peer connection.

If the optional err parameter is passed, then it will be emitted as an 'error' event on the stream.


Detect native WebRTC support in the javascript environment.

if (SimplePeer.WEBRTC_SUPPORT) {
  // webrtc support!
} else {
  // fallback


Note: Registered event handlers need to be unregistered (-= or RemoveListener) when they are no longer needed to prevent memory leaks. Lambda event handlers are used here to keep the examples simple.

SimplePeer inherits from EventEmitter. Event handlers can be added using JSEventCallback and +=/-= operators or using EventEmitter.On and EventEmitter.RemoveListener methods.

peer.OnSignal += (JSObject data) => {}

Fired when the peer wants to send signaling data to the remote peer.

It is the responsibility of the application developer (that's you!) to get this data to the other peer. This usually entails using a websocket signaling server. This data is an Object, so remember to call JSON.Stringify(data) to serialize it first. Then, simply call peer.Signal(data) on the remote peer.

(Be sure to listen to this event immediately to avoid missing it. For Initiator = true peers, it fires right away. For Initiator = false peers, it fires when the remote offer is received.)

peer.OnConnect += () => {}

Fired when the peer connection and data channel are ready to use.

peer.OnData += (NodeBuffer data) => {}

Received a message from the remote peer (via the data channel).

For ObjectMode = false peers (default) data is a NodeBuffer. For ObjectMode = true peers, data can be a string or a NodeBuffer.

peer.OnStream += (MediaStream stream) => {}

Received a remote video stream, which can be displayed in a video tag:

peer.OnStream += stream => {
    using var document = JS.Get<Document>("document");
    using var video = document.QuerySelector<HTMLVideoElement>("video");
    video.SrcObject = stream;

peer.OnTrack += (MediaStreamTrack track, MediaStream stream) => {}

Received a remote audio/video track. Streams may contain multiple tracks.

peer.OnClose += () => {}

Called when the peer connection has closed.

peer.OnError += (NodeError err) => {}

Fired when a fatal error occurs. Usually, this means bad signaling data was received from the remote peer.

err is a NodeError object.

error codes

Errors returned by the error event have an err.Code property that will indicate the origin of the failure. Constants for these errors can be found in the class SimplePeer.ErrorCodes.

Possible error codes:


