A Formulasearch BaseX REST endpoint for enabling the formula search extension in MediaWiki. This is initially based on https://github.com/ag-gipp/vmext-demo/tree/fix_endpoints_for_formulasearch
With IntelliJ Idea, download and install env file plugin: https://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin/7861-envfile/ Rename template.env to local.env, change to local parameters, and set it in the application to start in IntelliJ.
Create a directory in /opt/basex and grant correct access permissions for storing logs and prevent warnings.
docker run -e HARVESTS_PATH=/my_harvests -p 1985:1985 -v ./my_harvests:/my_harvests ghcr.io/mardi4nfdi/formulasearch:main
In IntelliJ IDEA: Install Checkstyle IDEA Plugin, In checkstyle settings load the checkstyle.xml-file, set checkstyle version =~8.29 to ensure compatibility.
This project is a Java application (Spring Boot) with an embedded Apache Server. It takes on the following tasks:
- Convert LaTeX formula to MathML semantics (via MathMLConverters).
- Compare two MathML semantics and receive node similarities (via tree comparison on MathML).
- Render a single MathML oder the comparison results of both MathML (via a JS widget).
Task 1 and 2 are executed via an embedded REST Service in this project and is written in Java. Task 3 is executed via an external JS widget written by students at the HTW Berlin.
git submodule update --init --recursive
Check-out this project and build it via Maven. In the /target
directory you will
find the executable server instance mathpipeline.jar
mvn clean install
Maven 3.2 or higher is required for the build plugin, it will create an executable jar.
For the conversion from LaTeX to MathML, LaTeXML
is required. Via configuration you can choose
to use an external service for the LaTeX > MathML conversion or use a
local installation of LaTeXML.
You can find LaTeXML here: http://dlmf.nist.gov/LaTeXML/get.html.
Copy the Jar from the target
folder to wherever you want.
Start the server by java -jar mathpipeline.jar
Now just call the server on http://localhost:8080/index.html
you can start whatever you what to do.
Since this is a Spring Boot application it can easily be used as a Service in a Linux environment, see: https://docs.spring.io/spring-boot/docs/current/reference/html/deployment-install.html
Copy the Jar from the target
folder to /var/mathpipeline/
Simply create a symlink (change the path towards your installation)
$ sudo ln -s /var/mathpipeline/mathpipeline.jar /etc/init.d/mathpipeline
Once installed, you can start and stop the service in the usual way, e.g.
service mathpipeline [start|stop|status|restart]
You can find an automatic log in /var/log/mathpipeline.log
It is recommended to limit your JVM and set VM options. Just place a file
called mathpipeline.conf
besides the mathpipeline.jar
and add the following content:
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512m -Xms256m"
It should then look like this:
$ <your_installation_path>
$ ls
$ cat mathpipeline.conf
export JAVA_OPTS="-Xmx512m -Xms256m"
We use Swagger for the API documentation. You can always view the API per
default on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
If you want to use a custom configuration place a file named application.yaml
in the execution / installation folder. The content should be (this is the default configuration used by the application):
# servlet-path: /pipe # custom servlet-path
port: 8080 # default server port, if not set otherwise
# Math AST Renderer - Main URL
mast.url: http://math.citeplag.org
# the use of the latexml online service (via url)
# if no url is given a local latexml installation will be called
active: true
url: http://gw125.iu.xsede.org:8888 # url for online service or emtpy ""
params: # parameters for the online service
whatsin: math
whatsout: math
format: xhtml
linelength: 90
- "LaTeX.pool"
- "article.cls"
- "amsmath.sty"
- "amsthm.sty"
- "amstext.sty"
- "amssymb.sty"
- "eucal.sty"
- "DLMFmath.sty"
- "[dvipsnames]xcolor.sty"
- "url.sty"
- "hyperref.sty"
- "[ids]latexml.sty"
- "texvc"
# Mathoid - alternative Latex to MathML converter
active: true
url: http://localhost:10044/mml
The vmext-demo
docker is now a private docker container. It is no
longer maintained over DockerHub because it contains LaCASt (currently private).
Updating vmext-demo on DKE has to be done manually now.
- checkout the repo and build it so that you have a running
- Check if its working locally. You need to update
according to your system needs. You may need elasticsearch and mathoid running locally also or you create port-forwarding and connect to DKE via ssh. - Run locally
java -jar target/mathpipeline.jar
and check onlocalhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
if everything works as expected. - Bring the changed files to DKE via
scp target/mathpipeline user@dke01:~/mathpipeline.jar
- Login to dke server via ssh
- Find the running docker container via
docker ps
. The name isvmext-demo
and taglacast
. - Copy the changed files to the appropriate locations inside the docker container via
docker cp mathpipeline.jar vmext-demo:/mathpipeline.jar
- IMPORTANT: update the image of the container after you changed something in the container via
docker commit vmext-demo vmext-demo:lacast
(first the docker name, than the image name) - Restart the container so that the changes gets applied via
/usr/bin/docker-compose restart vmext-demo
That's it.
If you need to start from scratch you need a free developer license for mathematica and:
- Again, build everything locally and test if it works.
- Build the container
docker build . -t vmext-demo:lacast
(thats the image name). This may take some time because installing mathematicas license requires some basic ubuntu libraries. - Run the docker container for the first time
docker run --name vmext-demo -p 8080:8080 vmext-demo:lacast
- Now connect to the running container
docker exec -it vmext-demo /bin/bash
- Run
and activate your license (e-mail credentials you took to get your free developer license. The credentials are the same you need on the website. The wolfram ID is you e-mail.) - exit with
- Very important: update your container NOW! otherwise on the next restart its gone...
docker commit vmext-demo vmext-demo:lacast
. - That's it. For deployment and updates, you need to follow the guide above.