Universal network device control module by using Javascript.
$ yarn add @mareel/core
# npm i @mareel/core
This project uses typedoc to generate library documentation automatically.
Please run following command to generate library documentation (or, visit https://mareel-io.github.io/core/)
yarn doc
const maril = require('../');
async function main() {
// Initialize controller factory with target IP address
const efmController = new maril.EFMControllerFactory('');
// Get captcha challenge from EFM
// Implementer should hand CAPTCHA image to user(or automatic captcha solver) and get response from it.
const resp = await efmController.getCaptchaChallenge();
// Authenticate using CAPTCHA challenge response
await efmController.authenticate({
id: 'admin',
pass: 'admin'
}, {
filename: resp.name,
code: 'captcha_challenge_response_from_user'
// Get WLAN configurator with session cookie
const wlanconfigurator = efmController.getWLANConfigurator();
// Get device configuration of device 'wlan5g' using configurator
const deviceCfg = await wlanconfigurator.getDeviceCfg('wlan5g');
// Get interface configuration of 0th interface of 'wlan5g'
const ifaceCfg = await wlanconfigurator.getIFaceCfg('wlan5g', 0);
// Change Wi-Fi security parameters.
// Use WPA2-PSK CCMP only mode
ifaceCfg.encryption = 'psk2+ccmp';
// Use password 'Pa55w0rd!@'
ifaceCfg.key = 'Pa55w0rd!@'
// Set Wi-Fi SSID to 'MarilForever-5G'
ifaceCfg.ssid = 'MarilForever-5G';
// Enable interface
ifaceCfg.disabled = false;
// enable beacon broadcast (to show up in Wi-Fi scan result)
ifaceCfg.hidden = false;
// Apply new config
await wlanconfigurator.setIFaceCfg('wlan5g', 0, ifaceCfg);
Please refer to
Currently tested on A8004T model
WLAN interface
- SSID broadcast enable / disable
- IFace disable / enable
- SSID change
- WMM support enable / disable
- Set WPA2 personal wireless authentication (field value rework pending)
WLAN device
- Channel configuration
- Channel bandwidth
- TXpower (field value rework pending)
- Diversity configuration (partially working)
- Regdom configuration (field value rework pending)
- Beacon interval configuration
Documentation in progress
This library has simple dummy implementation to reduce real device interaction while integrating this into system
To spin up test client, do this
- Clone this repository
- Copy
- Modify
section - Build this project using
yarn && yarn build
- Run client using
yarn start