Releases: MarkEdmondson1234/searchConsoleR
Releases · MarkEdmondson1234/searchConsoleR
gargle and increased page size
Update auth, searchAppearance and more data
- Update authentication options for scr_auth() to include auto-authentication etc. from googleAuthR 0.6.2
- Added searchAppearance as a dimension option in search_analytics()
- Remove warning if data is more than 90 days old as it will soon allow 12 months (woop)
More than 5000 results
- Add batching per the new API feature to go over 5000 rows. (#12)
searchConsole 0.2.0 on CRAN - batching
- Return an empty dataframe of NAs if no resutls in fetch instead of NULL
- Include android-app check (#7)
- Add walk_data parameter to search_analytics to get more data
- Set default start and end dates in search_analytics to 93 days ago and 3 days ago respectivily.
- Correct bug for error in country code. Will now return the 'Unknown Region' if not recognised (e.g. CXX)
- Add scr_auth function that wraps googleAuthR::gar_auth so you don't need to load googleAuthR explicitly.
First Release onto CRAN
Moved to using googleAuthR for authentication backend.