Docker image that provides webhooks to e-mail.
When you want to host your own solution where by doing a GET request an e-mail is send. I'm using this to create alerting on my influxdb database. When no new data arrives for a certain period in a bucket, influxdb will call the URL and I'm receiving an e-mail notification.
This is similar to webhooks-to-email automation that services like Zapier or IFTTT provide. But now you can host it yourself :-)
It is just a dockerfile that builds an image and publishes it to dockerhub.
It is all on dockerhub: webhooks
Have a look at the dockerhub webpage.
Please create an issue in this repository.
Do NEVER expose this service to the Internet directly. If you do, you are allowing everybody to send e-mails on your behalf. The connection to the URL is unencrypted and the contents of the message are in the URL, which means that other can sniff this information without you noticing.