Build and run Android APK's using an automated script.
As an Android Developer, most of my time is spent, in below manual tasks everyday.
Coding -> Gradle Sync (sometimes) ->(Re) Building app ->Running on device -> Testing the developed code on physical device / emulator. -> Run Test cases -> And finally ship apk for testing. On an average this entire process takes at-least 3 user driven clicks, and an average of 1–2 mins, for performing actions manually. Add the build time ( 3–10 mins on average), depending on you app and hardware. Then you run it on device, to quickly test your code.
Goal : Write a script to automate all above actions. Impact : Even if we deploy our debug builds on device say twice every hour, and we code 8 hours a day.
You can find the script in the main project folder. (
Detailed article explaing the automation process can be found here (