Mini DNF Like Game
Compilation Requirements
- Windows 10
- MSVC v143
- Windows SDK 10.0.19041.0
- Microsoft Visual Studio
- C++ 17
- FreeType
- irrklang
How To Run
- Install the required SDK and build tool in Visual Studio Installer.
- Open the
with Visual Studio, click run, then you are good to go!
How To Play
- There will be a Control page in the game, UI is quite simple.
Tools & Art Resources Used
- Free Sprite Sheet Packer
- Chinese Fonts
- Game Bgm - Overthink
- Main Artist: 章墨卿
- Other Art Resources
- Based on CS488 framework
Future Improvements
- Entity components system refactor
- Finite state machine
- Dialog UI component in the game.
- Synchronized sound effect.
- Particle systems in celebration stage.
- AABB intersections.
- Texture blending for background and sprite status.
- Shadow sprites.
- Sprite Animations.
- Tile map for game map.
- Text rendering for game conversations.
- Flocking for monsters.
Some Screenshots