Authors: Marie Marcos & Tom McGuire
Clone the repository
Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the App
npm start
- Use Mailinator to create a throwaway email if desired
Time | Feature |
04-24-2021 11:45am PST | Initialize Repository |
04-24-2021 3:15PM PST | Integrate Auth0 |
04-24-2021 4:30pm PST | Implement Features: Profile, Bookshelf |
04-28-2021 10:00pm PST | Implement Feature: BestBooks - Book Tracking |
Day | Hours |
Mon - Thur | 6:30pm - 9:30pm PST |
Sat | 9:00am - 6:30pm PST |
Slack & Remo
If falling behind we will focus on primary tasks in Trello and ask for help.
Person | Skills |
Marie | Self education & asking for help |
Tom | Self education & git management |
Person | Areas for Development |
Marie | Using Development Tools |
Tom | Time boxing requirements |
Review Pending PR's
Confirm deployment of new PR's / Test
New Features
Question | Answer |
What will your team do if one person is pulling all the weight while the other person is not contributing? | Talk to each other to see what's blocking development. |
What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other member contribute? | Talk to each other make sure to assign tasks equitably. |
How will you approach each other and the challenge of building an application knowing that it is impossible for two people to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level? | Pair programming & going over changes with each other when changes are unclear. |