#A simple command line tool for sending email via SMTP
cli.py which is responsible for command line interfacing
email_sender.py which is responsible for handling the sending request
Config: Set the configurations ( used only once unless you want to change the configs )
--port: Port number (e.g. 469)
--host: Host service (e.g. smtp.gmail.com)
--email: User email
--password: User password
--layer: Use tls | ssl
init: Initialize the tool (used only once after installation)
send: Send the email message
--t/--n: To use a predefined (t)emplate or (n)ot The user will be prompted to enter the template file location (full path) - its better to have admin authorization when open the cli window-
The user will be prompted to enter key:value pairs of template keys as JSON notation (easier for developers :D) in order to substitute them accordingly as well as the indicator of the keys to be detected will be required. (e.g. & or > or #) any symbol prefered to mark a key.
info: Displayes the user configurations info
1. fastmail init
2. fastmail config --port XXX --host XXX --email XXX --password XXX --layer XXX
3. fastmail send --t\--n
then the user will be prompted to enter reciever email, subject & message body
If a template was used it must be a (.txt) file:
Hello, Mr. %name
I am ... and i am %age years old
so i would like to go to %country
then the key:vals will be a JSON like object:
"{'name':Quarky, 'age':32, 'country': 'Zimbaboe'}"
###You can find compiled binary of the tool for windows