This recipe shows you how simple it is to debug your state changes with simplux by leveraging the Redux DevTools.
Setting up the Redux DevTools with simplux is done exactly the same way as for any normal Redux application. That means we need to have a Redux store. Therefore, if you haven't done so, follow this recipe to learn how to use simplux with a Redux store. This recipe also uses the DevTools extension, meaning you need to install it.
You can play with the code for this recipe in this code sandbox.
Before we start let's install all the packages we need.
npm i @simplux/core redux redux-devtools-extension -S
Now we're ready to go.
When creating the Redux store, you need to compose it with the DevTools extension.
import { getSimpluxReducer, setReduxStoreForSimplux } from '@simplux/core'
import { combineReducers, createStore } from 'redux'
import { composeWithDevTools } from 'redux-devtools-extension'
const rootReducer = combineReducers({
simplux: getSimpluxReducer(),
const store = createStore(rootReducer, composeWithDevTools())
setReduxStoreForSimplux(store, s => s.simplux)
Now, when we create a simplux module and call its mutations we can see them in the DevTools.
import { createMutations, createSimpluxModule } from '@simplux/core'
const counterModule = createSimpluxModule('counter', 0)
const counter = {
...createMutations(counterModule, {
increment: c => c + 1,
incrementBy: (c, amount: number) => c + amount,
And that is all you need to use the Redux DevTools with simplux.
Have a look at our other recipes to learn how simplux can help you make your life simple in other situations.