Microservice RESTful API for the querying of Adjacency data stored in HDF5 files that have been generated using the code from the mg-storage-hdf5 / mg-process-fastq scripts
- Python 2.7+
- pyenv
- pyenv virtualenv
- pip
- Python Modules
- h5py
- NumPy
- Flask
- Flask-Restful
- json
- pytest
- Waitress
Cloneing from GitHub:
git clone https://github.com/Multiscale-Genomics/mg-rest-adjacency.git
To get this to be picked up by pip if part of a webserver then:
pip install --editable .
This should install the required packages listed in the setup.py
Installation via pip:
pip install git+https://github.com/Multiscale-Genomics/mg-rest-adjacency.git
git clone https://github.com/Multiscale-Genomics/mg-rest-adjacency.git
cd mg-rest-adjacency
pyenv virtualenv 2.7.12 mg-rest-adjacency
pyenv activate mg-rest-service
pip install git+https://github.com/Multiscale-Genomics/mg-dm-api.git
pip install -e .
pyenv deactivate
Starting the service:
nohup ${PATH_2_PYENV}/versions/2.7.12/envs/mg-rest-adjacency/bin/waitress-serve --listen= rest.app:app &
Test scripts are located in the test/
directory. Run pytest
to from this directory to ensure that the API is working correctly.
The scripts require a valid hdf5 file generated using the scripts from mg-storage-hdf5 and a matching datasets.json file located in the rest/