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Custom Generator Plugins
Here you will find a list of open source generator plugins. Do not put JAR downloads here.
You may add your plugin using the BukkitFullOfMoon template, but be warned, if you don't post the source, your entry will be deleted.
- Place the generator's jar in your plugins folder.
- Start your server
- Use the generator command. This will verify that the generator loaded properly. You should see its name appear:
/mv gens
--- Loaded Generator Plugins ---
VoidGenerator SkylandsPlus
- Then simply use the create command to create the world with a generator.
/mv create voidworld normal -g VoidGenerator
- Some generators allow you to specify ID to customise how the world is generator. For example, VoidGenerator allows you to specify the biomes as follows.
/mv create coldworld normal -g VoidGenerator:FROZEN_OCEAN
Description: Terra is an incredibly powerful data-driven world generator. It allows you to create a world exactly to your specifications, with no knowledge of Java required.
Author: dfsek
Github: https://github.com/PolyhedralDev/Terra
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/PXUEbbF
Description: This plugin generates an infinite desert with occasional oasis jungles. The overgrown jungles are made up of plants which are grown individually in real time as the world generates, and are hydrated by the desert's underground rivers. This means that every tree is unique, and nature looks so much more organic! The terrain provides an exciting and rough survival experience embellished by the beautiful scenery.
Author: Dann
Description: All in one super lightweight Void World Generator
Author: xtkq
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/jDbKhu7
Description: Generates a nice flat landscape for building anything you could want!
Author: NVX
Github Wiki: Wiki
Source: https://github.com/nvx/CleanroomGenerator
Description: Based off Terrain Generator. Allows you to customise basically everything.
Author: PG85
Fandom Wiki: https://openterraingen.fandom.com/wiki/Home Github Wiki: https://github.com/PG85/OpenTerrainGenerator/wiki
Source: https://github.com/PG85/OpenTerrainGenerator
Discord: https://discordapp.com/invite/8vGBd2
Banana Image To Map [ABANDONED]
Description: Turn any image into a world! (With custom generator features like stone mushrooms and random torches!)
Author: codename-B
Github Wiki: Someone should bug codename-B to create a wiki :)
Source: https://github.com/codename-B/BananaImageToMap
bukkit.org Thread: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/22623/
Description: Long description coming soon!
Author: BananaCode
Github Wiki: Wiki
Source: https://github.com/BananaCode/BananaGen
bukkit.org Thread: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/30579/
BananaSpace [ABANDONED]
Description: Space worlds.
Author: BananaCode
Github Wiki: Wiki
Source: https://github.com/iffa/BananaSpace
bukkit.org Thread: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/32546/
BukkitFullOfMoon [ABANDONED]
Description: Generates a moon made of sponge with cool little US flags.
Author: Dinnerbone
Source: https://github.com/Dinnerbone/BukkitFullOfMoon
bukkit.org Thread: N/A
Description: A world of cities.
Author: echurchill aka daddychurchill
Github Wiki: Wiki is very empty
Source: https://github.com/echurchill/CityWorld
bukkit.org Thread: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/cityworld/
Description: Generates a flat checkerboard world aligned to the map grid
Author: jonthesquirrel
Github Wiki: Wiki
Source: https://github.com/jonthesquirrel/MapGrid
Null Terrain [ABANDONED]
Description: Generates an empty landscape! Look mum, no terrain! Useful for space areas and voids.
Author: Elizacat
Github Wiki: What wiki? whistles innocently
Source: https://github.com/Elizacat/NullTerrain
bukkit.org Thread: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/27362/
PermaWorldGenerator [ABANDONED]
Description: Permanent world generator plugin for Bukkit.
Author: DjDCH
Github Wiki: Someone should bug DjDCH to create a wiki. :)
Source: https://github.com/DjDCH/PermaWorldGenerator
Bukkit Dev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/permaworldgenerator/
Terrain Control [NOT MAINTAINED]
Description: is a mod based off of Phoenix Terrain Mod which was based on Bucyruss's BiomeTerrainMod. It basically allows you to customize Minecraft's terrain generation to control ore spawns, terrain types, biome size, basically everything.
Author: Wickth
Github Wiki: https://github.com/Wickth/TerrainControl/wiki
Source: https://github.com/Wickth/TerrainControl/
bukkit.org Thread: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/terrain-control/forum/
OneHundredGenerator [ABANDONED]
Description: Minecraft 1.0.0 world generator plugin for Bukkit.
Author: DjDCH
Github Wiki: Someone should bug DjDCH to create a wiki. :)
Source: https://github.com/DjDCH/OneHundredGenerator
Bukkit Dev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/onehundredgenerator/
Description: Nordic is a Worldgenerator which creates a world that will have a nordic looking
Author: s1mpl3x
Source: https://github.com/s1mpl3x/Nordic
bukkit.org Thread: http://forums.bukkit.org/threads/wgen-nordic-v0-1-4-add-nordic-landscapes-to-your-server-1-1-r4.33060/
Description: Cool twisty Glowstone terrain with random chests containing random items!
Author: jtjj222
Source: https://github.com/jtjj222/GlowWorld
Underdark [ABANDONED]
Description: Generates an ominous underground world full of tunnels, bridges, and stalactites, loosely based on D&D's underdark.
Author: Lucariatias
Github Wiki: ...Yeah. About that.
Source: https://github.com/Gildorym/Underdark
Bukkit Dev: http://dev.bukkit.org/bukkit-plugins/underdark/
Getting Started
- Config.yml
- World Properties
- Destinations
- Currency
- Custom Generator Plugins
- Anchor Tutorial
- Placeholders
Getting Started
Getting Started
Getting Started
Getting Started
A great place to get help is from Multiverse's Discord (Click the logo for invite link):