CS 3030 – Homework 4
- Jeremy Johnson
- Nasser Binshabeeb
- Trevor Orgill
Wrapper for all the scripts.
Usage: ./kaon_hw4.sh -y <year> -e <email> [-u <user> -p <passwd>]
Gets the files.
Usage: ./kaon_hw4_wget.sh <year>
Expands the files grabbed.
Usage: ./kaon_hw4_expand.sh
Filters the data to grab what we want.
Usage: ./kaon_hw4.awk <file>
Zips up the ending file.
Usage: ./kaon_hw4_zip.sh <file>
Ftps to the server and places file.
Usage ./kaon_hw4_ftp.sh -f <file> [-u <username> -p <password>]
Cleans up the huge mess we just made.
Usage ./kaon_hw4_clean.sh
Contains the line to schedule the job in the crontab.