- Eloquent JavaScript Online Book
- Speaking JavaScript: An In-Depth Guide for Programmers
- JavaScript高级程序设计,第三版
- JavaScript秘密花园
- JavaScript精粹
- 阮一峰: JavaScript 标准参考教程
Basic Knowledge
- 美团:抽象语法树在JavaScript中的应用
- 轻松搞定JavaScript预解析机制
- JavaScript编译运行原理
- SlideShare: JavaScript: Abstract Syntax Tree
- SlideShare: Esprima, what is that
- SpiderMonkey: Reflect.parse - Mozilla's Parser API
- Esprima: most popular ECMAScript parser in JS
- Acorn - faster alternative ECMAScript parser in JS
- UglifyJS - has own parser with custom AST format
- Esprima Online Parser
- ESLint - The pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX
- aster - AST-based code builder
- Esprima tutorial
- Fun with Esprima and Static Analysis
- Parsing and modifying JavaScript code with Esprima and Scodegen
- Browser-side: bluebird, a full featured promise library
- Nodejs-side: co - he ultimate generator based flow-control goodness for nodejs (supports thunks, promises, etc)
- 从零开始实现一个JavaScript模块化加载器
- Eloquent JavaScript, chapter 10, Modules
- 详解JavaScript模块化开发
- 图文:SeaJS与RequireJS最大的区别
- 模块化开发,SeaJS简单总结
- Why AMD?
- 百度EFE:玩转AMD
- 异步模块定义AMD API中文版
- CommonJS规范 中文版
- RequireJS in Node
- 前端模块及依赖管理的新选择:Browserify
- Browserify Handbook
- 前端工程与模块化框架
- Understanding RequireJS for Effective JavaScript Module Loading
- Writing Modular JavaScript With AMD, CommonJS & ES Harmony
- Object.create()
- Object.defineProperty
- getter
- setter
- 严格模式
- Array.prototype.filter()
- 颠覆式前端UI开发框架:React
- React: Create maintainable, high-performance UI components
- Navigating the React Ecosystem
- Flux: An Application Architecture for React
- Smart and Dumb Components
- Container Components
- [React To The Future With Isomorphic Apps](React To The Future With Isomorphic Apps)
- React 入门教程
- Thinking in React
- An opinionated guide to React.js best practices and conventions
- Best practices for building large React applications
- From AngularJS to React: The Isomorphic Way
- React: complementatry tools
- React-Bootstrap: css framework
- React-Router: routing in react app
- formsy-react: a form input builder and validator for React JS
- Building The Facebook News Feed With Relay
- React.js Starter Kit
- Flux Quick Start: manage data and state for react app
- Getting started with Facebook's React.js
- Youtube: Trying webpack with React.js
- React with WebPack - part 1
- 基于ES6,使用React、Webpack、Babel构建模块化JavaScript应用
- Learn ES2015, a detailed overview of ECMASCRIPT 6 features
- 阮一峰: ECMAScript 6入门
- Exploring ES6: Upgrade to the next version of JavaScript
- InfoQ专栏:深入浅出ES6(更新中)
- Mozilla: ES6 in Depth
- Github: es6-shim, ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) compatibility shims for legacy JavaScript engines
- Babel is a JavaScript compiler.
- Github: Traceur, a compiler
- Traceur REPL
- Babel REPL
- Github: grunt-traceur
- Github: gulp-traceur
- Github: broccoli-traceur
- Github: es6ify
- StackoverFlow: Differences between Babel and Traceur
- Iterators gonna iterate
- Youtube: ES6 Generator Tutorial
- The Basics Of ES6 Generators
- 学习ES6生成器
- Workshop: Learn Generators
- ECMAScript 2015: Generators and Iterators
- Book: Node.js In Action
- Node.js概述
- List: Awesome nodejs
- Eleoquent JavaScript, chapter 20, Node.js
- 七天学会Node.js
- Node.js Manual & Documentation
- Node.js Process对象
- Node编码规范
- ES6 on node.js
- 美团酒店Node全栈开发实践
Module fs
- fs模块简介
- How do I write files in node.js?
- Create Simple Text File in Node.js Using 'fs' Module
- Making directory along with missing parents in Node.js
Module path
- Koajs - 下一代Node.js Web框架
- Koa中文文档
- PPT: Co and Koa Talk
- Getting Started With Koajs
- Koajs开发最佳实践
- Koajs中间件开发最佳实践和应用架构建议
- Why you should and shouln't use Koa
- Kick-Off-Koa - An intro to koa via a set of self-guided workshops
- Workshop - A workshop to learn the the basics of koa, Express's spiritual successor
- Koajs quick start guide
- Jade - a Node Template Engine, Language Reference
- Jade Syntax Documentation
- WebStrom
- Visual Studio Code
- Visual Studio Community
Build Tools
- The State of JS Build Tools 2015
- 腾讯:Browserify运行原理分析
- Getting started with webpack
- WebPack怎么用
- github: webpack-howto: a simple cookbook
If you use Github, just use Github for Windows; If you use Gitlab in a internal network, you can use TortoiseGit as a GUI tool for git.
- Youtube: TortoiseGit Tutorial