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Upstream changes: ## 2021 10 29 - No significant bugs have been found since the last release, but several minor issues have been fixed. Vertical alignment has been improved for lists of call args which are not contained within parens (next item). - Vertical alignment of function calls without parens has been improved with the goal of making vertical alignment essentially the same with or without parens around the call args. Some examples: # OLD mkTextConfig $c, $x, $y, -anchor => 'se', $color; mkTextConfig $c, $x + 30, $y, -anchor => 's', $color; mkTextConfig $c, $x + 60, $y, -anchor => 'sw', $color; mkTextConfig $c, $x, $y + 30, -anchor => 'e', $color; # NEW mkTextConfig $c, $x, $y, -anchor => 'se', $color; mkTextConfig $c, $x + 30, $y, -anchor => 's', $color; mkTextConfig $c, $x + 60, $y, -anchor => 'sw', $color; mkTextConfig $c, $x, $y + 30, -anchor => 'e', $color; # OLD is id_2obj($id), undef, "unregistered object not retrieved"; is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 0, "object registry empty"; is register($obj), $obj, "object returned by register"; is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 1, "object registry nonempty"; is id_2obj($id), $obj, "registered object retrieved"; # NEW is id_2obj($id), undef, "unregistered object not retrieved"; is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 0, "object registry empty"; is register($obj), $obj, "object returned by register"; is scalar keys %$ob_reg, 1, "object registry nonempty"; is id_2obj($id), $obj, "registered object retrieved"; This will cause some changes in alignment, hopefully for the better, particularly in test code which often uses numerous parenless function calls with functions like 'ok', 'is', 'is_deeply', .... - Two new parameters were added to control the block types to which the -bl (--opening-brace-on-new-line) flag applies. The new parameters are -block-left-list=s, or -bll=s, and --block-left-exclusion-list=s, or -blxl=s. Previously the -bl flag was 'hardwired' to apply to nearly all blocks. The default values of the new parameters retain the the old default behavior but allow it to be changed. - The default behavior of the -bli (-brace-left-and-indent) flag has changed slightly. Previously, if you set -bli, then the -bl flag would also automatically be set. Consequently, block types which were not included in the default list for -bli would get -bl formatting. This is no longer done, and these two styles are now controlled independently. The manual describes the controls. If you want to recover the exact previous default behavior of the -bli then add the -bl flag. - A partial fix was made for issue for git #74. The -lp formatting style was being lost when a one-line anonymous sub was followed by a closing brace. - Fixed issue git #73, in which the -nfpva flag was not working correctly. Some unwanted vertical alignments of spaced function perens were being made. - Updated the man pages to clarify the flags -valign and -novalign for turning vertical alignment on and off (issue git #72). Added parameters -vc -vsc -vbc for separately turning off vertical alignment of code, side comments and block comments. - Fixed issue git #68, where a blank line following a closing code-skipping comment, '#>>V', could be lost. - This version runs 10 to 15 percent faster on large files than the previous release due to optimizations made with the help of NYTProf. - This version of perltidy was stress-tested for many cpu hours with random input parameters. No instabilities, internal fault checks, undefined variable references or other irregularities were seen. - Numerous minor fixes have been made, mostly very rare formatting instabilities found in random testing. An effort has been made to minimize changes to existing formatting that these fixes produce, but occasional changes may occur. Many of these updates are listed at:
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