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Upstream changes: ## 2023 07 01 - Issue git #121. Added parameters -xbt, or --extended-block-tightness, and -xbtl=s, or --extended-block-tightness-list=s, to allow certain small code blocks to have internal spacing controlled by -bbt=n rather than -bt=n. The man pages have details. - Issue git #118. A warning will be issued if a duplicate format-skipping starting marker is seen within a format-skipping section. The same applies to duplicate code-skipping starting markers within code-skipping sections. - Issue git #116. A new flag --valign-if-unless, -viu, was added to allow postfix 'unless' terms to align with postfix 'if' terms. The default remains not to do this. - Fixed git #115. In the two most recent CPAN releases, when the Perl::Tidy module was called with the source pointing to a file, but no destination specified, the output went to the standard output instead of to a file with extension ``.tdy``, as it should have. This has been fixed. - Fixed git #110, add missing documentation for new options -cpb and -bfvt=n. These work in version 20230309 but the pod documentation was missing and has been added. - Fixed an undefined reference message when running with --dump-block-summary on a file without any subs or other selected block types. - Add parameter -ipc, or --ignore-perlcritic-comments. Perltidy, by default, will look for side comments beginning with ``## no critic`` and ignore their lengths when making line break decisions, even if the user has not set ``-iscl``. The reason is that an unwanted line break can make these special comments ineffective in controlling ``perlcritic``. The parameter -ipc can be set if, for some reason, this is not wanted. - Some minor issues with continuation indentation have been fixed. Most scripts will remain unchanged. The main change is that block comments which occur just before a closing brace, bracket or paren now have an indentation which is independent of the existance of an optional comma or semicolon. Previously, adding or deleting an optional trailing comma could cause their indentation to jump. Also, indentation of comments within ternary statements has been improved. For additonal details see: - This version was stress-tested for many cpu hours with random input parameters. No failures to converge, internal fault checks, undefined variable references or other irregularities were seen. - This version runs several percent faster than the previous release on large files.
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