A simple proof of concept wavetable synthesizer written in C++ with the JUCE framework.
- 3 wavetable oscillators with a few prebuilt wavetables
- 2 filters (low-pass, high-pass or bandpass)
- 2 effects with a palette of basic effects to choose from
- spectrum analyzer & panner
- 3 envelopes and lfos for modulation
- ability to save & load presets
- can be used as a standalone app or as a plugin in your DAW of choice
- C++
- Clone the JUCE repository
- Build Projucer
- Open the .jucer file in Projucer
- Export the project to your native IDE
- From here you can compile, run and debug the app in your native IDE
For more detailed instructions please refer to the JUCE repository and the official JUCE Tutorials.
Nick Gärtner