- Enhanced BASH Scripts
- High-level scripts should be in own
- Git helpers
- GitLabs helper scripts (work with branches, forks, submodules)
- Slack notifications helper scripts
- Telemetry module (report metrics to CI or DataDog)
- Globals module (declarative way of defining script dependencies to global environment variables)
- Logs monitoring documentation (different streams/files/tty for different information: info, debug, telemetry, dependencies)
- Copyright headers composing/parsing (extract from the file, update, insert)
- DirEnv - https://github.com/direnv/direnv
- ShellFormat - https://github.com/mvdan/sh
- ShellCheck - https://github.com/koalaman/shellcheck
- KCov - https://github.com/SimonKagstrom/kcov
- ShellSpec - https://github.com/shellspec/shellspec
Note: alternative Unit Test Frameworks, Bats - https://github.com/bats-core/bats-core
brew install direnv
brew install shellcheck
brew install shfmt
brew install shellspec
brew install kcov
# run all unit tests on file change
watchman-make -p 'spec/*_spec.sh' '.scripts/*.sh' --run "shellspec"
# run failed only unit tests on file change
watchman-make -p 'spec/*_spec.sh' '.scripts/*.sh' --run "shellspec --quick"
Installation into your project:
# subtree approach (TODO: fix me!)
git subtree --squash -P vendor/bats-all add https://github.com/hyperupcall/bats-all HEAD
- https://gist.github.com/SKempin/b7857a6ff6bddb05717cc17a44091202
- https://github.com/epcim/git-cross
- https://github.com/ingydotnet/git-subrepo
- https://gist.github.com/icheko/9ff2a0a90ef2b676a5fc8d76f69db1d3 article
source ".scripts/_colors.sh"
echo -e "${cl_red}Hello World${cl_reset}"
source ".scripts/_dependencies.sh"
dependency bash "5.*.*" "brew install bash"
dependency direnv "2.*.*" "curl -sfL https://direnv.net/install.sh | bash"
dependency shellspec "0.28.*" "brew install shellspec"
optional kcov "42" "brew install kcov"
dependency shellcheck "0.9.*" "curl -sS https://webi.sh/shellcheck | sh"
dependency shfmt "3.*.*" "curl -sS https://webi.sh/shfmt | sh"
dependency watchman "2023.07.*.*" "brew install watchman"
- zero dependencies, pure BASH
- prefix for all logger messages
- work in pipe mode (forward logs to the named pipe)
- write logs to pipe; single line or multiple lines in '|' pipe mode
- read logs from the named pipe and output to the console (or file). Required PID and log tag.
- run logs to file/stream in background process mode
- support prefix for each log message
- listen to DEBUG environment variable for enabling/disabling logs
- enable/disable log by tag name or tag name prefix (support wildcards)
- execute command with logging the command and it parameters first (ref: https://bpkg.sh/pkg/echo-eval)
source ".scripts/_logger.sh"
logger common "$@" # declare echo:Common and printf:Common functions, tag: common
logger debug "$@" # declare echo:Debug and printf:Debug functions, tag: debug
echo:Common "Hello World" # output "Hello World" only if tag common is enabled
export DEBUG=* # enable logger output for all tags
export DEBUG=common # enable logger output for common tag only
export DEBUG=*,-common # enable logger output for all tags except common
# advanced functions
config:logger:Common "$@" # re-configure logger enable/disable for common tag
# echo in pipe mode
find . -type d -max-depth 1 | echo:Common
# echo in output redirect
find . -type d -max-depth 1 >echo:Common
- zero dependencies, pure BASH
- support short and long arguments
- support default values
- support required arguments
- support aliases for arguments
- support destination variables for argument
- compose help documentation from arguments definition
# pattern: "{argument},-{short},--{alias}={output_variable}:{default_initialize_value}:{reserved_args_quantity}"
# example: "-h,--help=args_help:true:0", on --help or -h set $args_help variable to true, expect no arguments;
# example: "$1,--id=args_id::1", expect first unnamed argument to be assigned to $args_id variable; can be also provided as --id=123
export ARGS_DEFINITION="-h,--help -v,--version=:1.0.0 --debug=DEBUG:*"
# will automatically parse script arguments with definition from $ARGS_DEFINITION global variable
source ".scripts/_arguments.sh"
# check variables that are extracted
echo "Is --help: $help"
echo "Is --version: $version"
echo "Is --debug: $DEBUG"
# advanced run. parse provided arguments with definition from $ARGS_DEFINITION global variable
parse:arguments "$@"
source ".scripts/_commons.sh"
# Extract parameter from global env variable OR from secret file (file content)
env:variable:or:secret:file "new_value" \
".secrets/gitlab_ci_integration_test" \
"{user friendly message}"
echo "Extracted: ${new_value}"
# validate/confirm input parameter by user input
# string
# Yes/No
source ".scripts/_commons.sh"
# Select value from short list of choices
declare -A -g connections && connections=(["d"]="production" ["s"]="cors-proxy:staging" ["p"]="cors-proxy:local")
echo -n "Select connection type: " && tput civis # hide cursor
selected=$(input:selector "connections") && echo "${cl_blue}${selected}${cl_reset}"
source ".scripts/_commons.sh"
# Usage:
echo -n "Enter password: "
password=$(input:readpwd) && echo "" && echo "Password: $password"
- parse version code, according to semver specification
- compare version code
- verify version constraints
- compose version code from array of segments
source ".scripts/_semver.sh"
# verify that version is passing the constraints expression
semver:constraints "1.0.0-alpha" ">1.0.0-beta || <1.0.0" && echo "$? - OK!" || echo "$? - FAIL!" # expected OK
# more specific cases
semver:constraints:simple "1.0.0-beta.10 != 1.0.0-beta.2" && echo "OK!" || echo "$? - FAIL!"
# parse and recompose version code
semver:parse "2.0.0-rc.1+build.123" "V" \
&& for i in "${!V[@]}"; do echo "$i: ${V[$i]}"; done \
&& semver:recompose "V"
# test version code
echo "1" | grep -E "${SEMVER_LINE}" --color=always --ignore-case || echo "OK!"
- detect a new version of the script
- download multiple versions into folder and do a symbolic link to a specific version
- download from GIT repo (git clone)
- keep MASTER as default, extract version tags as sub-folders
- download from GIT repo release URL (tar/zip archive)
- extract archive to a version sub-folder
- rollback to previous version (or specified one)
- rollback to latest backup file (if exists)
- partial update of the scripts, different versions of scripts from different version sub-folders
- developer can bind file to a specific version by calling function
- developer can bind file to a specific version by calling function
- verify SHA1 hash of the scripts
- compute file SHA1 hash and store it in *.sha1 file
- understand version expressions
- latest stable version -
- any highest version tag (INCLUDING: alpha, beta, rc etc) -
- any branch name (also works for TAGs) -
- comparison syntax -
- exact version -
- version in range >= 1.0.x, patch releases allowed -
- version in range >= 1.x.x, minor & patch releases allowed -
>1.0.0 <=1.5.0
- version in range> 1.0.0 && <= 1.5.0
>1.0.0 <1.1.0 || >1.5.0
- version in range(> 1.0.0 < 1.1.0) || (> 1.5.0)
- https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/dependency-versions/
- https://github.com/fsaintjacques/semver-tool
- https://github.com/Masterminds/semver
- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/356100/how-to-wait-in-bash-for-several-subprocesses-to-finish-and-return-exit-code-0
source ".scripts/_self-update.sh"
# check for version update in range >= 1.0.x, stable versions
# try to update itself from https://github.com/OleksandrKucherenko/e-bash.git repository
self-update "~1.0.0" # patch releases allowed
self-update "^1.0.0" # minor releases allowed
self-update "> 1.0.0 <= 1.5.0" # stay in range
# update specific file to latest version tag
self-update "latest" ".scripts/_colors.sh" # latest stable
self-update "*" ".scripts/_colors.sh" # any highest version tag
# update specific file to MASTER version (can be used any branch name)
self-update "branch:master" ".scripts/_colors.sh"
self-update "tag:v1.0.0" ".scripts/_colors.sh"
# bind file to a specific version
self-update:version:bind "v1.0.0" ".scripts/_colors.sh"
# do self-update on script exit
trap "self-update '^1.0.0'" EXIT
# OR:
function __exit() {
# TODO: add more cleanup logic here
self-update '^1.0.0'
trap "__exit" EXIT
# rollback with use of backup file(s)
source ".scripts/_self-update.sh" && self-update:rollback:backup "${full_path_to_file}"
# rollback to specific version
source ".scripts/_self-update.sh" && self-update:rollback:version "v1.0.0" "${full_path_to_file}"
# print timestamp for each line of executed script
PS4='+ $(gdate "+%s.%N ($LINENO) ")' bash -x bin/version-up.sh
# save trace to file
PS4='+ $(echo -n "$EPOCHREALTIME [$LINENO]: ")' bash -x bin/version-up.sh 2>trace.log
# process output to more user-friendly format: `execution_time | line_number | line_content`
PS4='+ $(echo -n "$EPOCHREALTIME [$LINENO]: ")' bash -x bin/version-up.sh 2>trace.log 1>/dev/null && cat trace.log | bin/profiler/tracing.sh
# profile script execution and print summary
bin/profiler/profile.sh bin/version-up.sh
- ref1: https://itecnote.com/tecnote/r-performance-profiling-tools-for-shell-scripts/
- ref2: https://www.thegeekstuff.com/2008/09/bash-shell-take-control-of-ps1-ps2-ps3-ps4-and-prompt_command/
# print all colors for easier selection