The goal of ASimulatoR is to simulate RNA-seq reads with alternative splicing events. The alternative splicing events are well documented and the true origin of each read is used for exon and juntion coverage via a modified version of the bioconductor polyester package.
You can install the development version from GitHub with:
# install.packages("remotes")
Please note that we use a custom version of Polyester, that is available at
Firstly, we create exon supersets by joining all exons of a gene from a gtf file. These supersets are then used to create splice variants. Since all exons from one gene are used to create the exon superset, you may find that the term exon superset is used analogously to gene.
# create exon superset for genes on chromosome 21 of ensembl release 99
gtf_file = system.file('extdata', 'Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.99.21.gtf', package = 'ASimulatoR')
# by default the produced superset will be saved as .rda file into the same directory
exon_superset = get_exon_supersets(gtf_file)
#> importing gtf...
#> finished importing gtf
#> creating superset...
#> finished creating superset
#> saving superset...
#> finished saving superset
exon_superset[[1]][1:5, ]
#> GRanges object with 5 ranges and 10 metadata columns:
#> seqnames ranges strand | source type score phase gene_id transcript_id template gene_exon_number tr_start tr_end
#> <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <character> <character> <character> <character> <logical> <integer> <integer> <integer>
#> [1] 21 41879270-41879482 - | ASimulatoR exon . . ENSG00000141956 ENSG00000141956_template TRUE 1 1 213
#> [2] 21 41878996-41879140 - | ASimulatoR exon . . ENSG00000141956 ENSG00000141956_template TRUE 2 214 358
#> [3] 21 41878695-41878860 - | ASimulatoR exon . . ENSG00000141956 ENSG00000141956_template TRUE 3 359 524
#> [4] 21 41871494-41871621 - | ASimulatoR exon . . ENSG00000141956 ENSG00000141956_template TRUE 4 525 652
#> [5] 21 41867300-41867377 - | ASimulatoR exon . . ENSG00000141956 ENSG00000141956_template TRUE 5 653 730
#> -------
#> seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
You can find more information about the main function of this package at the end of the page.
This simulator supports eight different AS events:
es | mes | ir | a3 | a5 | mee | afe | ale |
exon skiping | multiple exon skipping | intron retention | alternative 3’/acceptor splice site | alternative 5’/donor splice site | mutually exclusive exons | alternative first exon | alternative last exon |
# define your input_dir, where the annotation gtf (or the exon supersets if you have already created them) and the genome fasta files are located
# here we will use the example data
input_dir = system.file('extdata', package = 'ASimulatoR')
# define, how many groups and samples per group you analyze. Here we create a small experiment with two groups with one sample per group:
num_reps = c(1,1)
# define your outdir with NO slash
outdir = 'simulation'
# define the number of genes you want to work with. If you want all exons, do not specify this parameter or set it to NULL
# here we create splice variants from 9 exon supersets:
max_genes = 9
You could define the distribution of the events by probability or relative frequency.
- Probability: For each superset we create an event with the
probability mentioned in
. - Frequency: Set
probs_as_freq = T
. The exon supersets are partitioned corresponding to theevent_prob
# in this example we use relative frequencies
# here we produce eight variants with one of each AS events as well as one variant containing every event
# if probs_as_freq was FALSE, a random number would be drawn for each event-superset combination and only if it was smaller than 1/9 the AS event would be created
probs_as_freq = T
event_freq =
setNames(rep(1/9, 9),
c('es', 'mes', 'ir', 'a3', 'a5', 'afe', 'ale', 'mee', 'es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee'))
# we use the previously created superset to simulate splice variants from, since it is saved in the same directory as the gtf
# if no superset is found, a new one will be created
simulate_alternative_splicing(input_dir = input_dir,
event_probs = event_freq,
outdir = outdir,
probs_as_freq = probs_as_freq,
max_genes = max_genes,
num_reps = num_reps)
#> found the following fasta files: 21.fa
#> note that splice variants will only be constructed from chromosomes that have a corresponding fasta file
#> loading superset...
#> finished loading superset
#> assign variants to supersets...
#> create splicing variants and annotation. This may take a while...
#> finished creating splicing variants and annotation
#> exporting gtf for read simulation...
#> finished exporting gtf
#> exporting event_annotation...
#> finished exporting event_annotation...
#> start simulation with polyester:
#> parsing gtf and sequences...
#> done parsing
#> start sequencing... (1m reads per iteration)
#> sample_01: overall 91608 reads
#> sample_01: iteration 01
#> sample_01: fragments generated
#> sample_01: write read pairs
#> sample_02: overall 78660 reads
#> sample_02: iteration 01
#> sample_02: fragments generated
#> sample_02: write read pairs
#> finished sequencing
# to visualize the splice variants we will use ggbio
# firstly, we load the newly created gtf file
gtf = rtracklayer::import('simulation/splicing_variants.gtf')
# the gene id of the variant with all events
gene_id = gtf$gene_id[grep('es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee', gtf$transcript_id, fixed = T)[1]]
exons = gtf[gtf$type == 'exon' & gtf$gene_id == gene_id]
suppressWarnings(ggbio::autoplot(split(exons, exons$transcript_id)))
#> Constructing graphics...
# have a look at the event annotation
event_anno = read.csv('simulation/event_annotation.tsv', sep = '\t')
event_anno[grepl(gene_id, event_anno$template) | grepl(gene_id, event_anno$variant), ]
#> event_annotation variant template genomic_start genomic_end transcriptomic_start transcriptomic_end
#> 1 afe ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee ENSG00000154646_template 18460572 18460731 1 160
#> 2 afe ENSG00000154646_template ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee 18485799 18485879 1 81
#> 3 ale ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee ENSG00000154646_template 18269116 18270124 6950 7958
#> 4 ale ENSG00000154646_template ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee 18275197 18275336 3018 3157
#> 5 mee ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee ENSG00000154646_template 18379283 18379318 792 827
#> 6 mee ENSG00000154646_template ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee 18372193 18372324 786 917
#> 7 mes ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee ENSG00000154646_template 18332084,18329169,18326432,18315146,18312945,18297734,18294603,18294270,18281040 18332173,18329294,18326572,18315256,18313077,18297829,18294652,18294444,18281221 1818,1908,2034,2175,2286,2419,2515,2565,2740 1907,2033,2174,2285,2418,2514,2564,2739,2921
#> 8 es ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee ENSG00000154646_template 18352903 18353052 1275 1424
#> 9 ir ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee ENSG00000154646_template 18359864 18365139 1223 6498
#> 10 a3 ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee ENSG00000154646_template 18383728 18383778 589 639
#> 11 a5 ENSG00000154646_es,ir,mes,a3,a5,afe,ale,mee ENSG00000154646_template 18398199 18398220 499 520
Firstly, exon supersets are created by joining all exons of a gene from a gtf file. Next, splicing variants are created with documentation and event annotation based on the users input. Finally, fastq files containing RNA-seq reads from the splice variants and the real exon and junction coverage are created using a modified version of the polyester R package available on
simulate_alternative_splicing(input_dir, event_probs, outdir, ncores = 1L, ...)
Argument | Description |
input_dir |
Character path to directory containing the gtf file from which splice variants are created and genome fasta files with one file per chromosome i.e. <chr_name>.fa passed to polyester |
event_probs |
Named list/vector containing numerics corresponding to the probabilites to create the event (combination). If probs_as_freq is TRUE event_probs correspond to the relative frequency of occurences for the event(combination) and in this case the sum of all frequencies has to be <=1. |
outdir |
character, path to folder where simulated reads and all annotations should be written, with no slash at the end. By default, reads are written to current working directory. |
ncores |
the number of cores to be utilized for parallel generation of splice variant creation and read simulation. |
... |
any of several other arguments that can be used to add nuance to the simulation and splice variant creation. See details. |
Reads are simulated from a GTF file which is produced by
plus DNA sequences.
Several optional parameters can be passed to this function to adjust the
simulation. For polyester parameters refer to simulate_experiment
the polyester R package:
: Additionally to the gtf file containing the splice variants, a gff3 file with the same content will be printed to the outdir. DefaultTRUE
: The maximum number of genes/exon supersets to be included in the process of splice variant creation. DefaultNULL
which means that all available exon supersets will be used. -
: Should the real coverage of exons, junctions and retained introns be written into a additional file. DefaultTRUE
: Should it be possible to have more than one AS event at the same exon if multiple variants are created for the same exon superset? !If this option is set toTRUE
, there may occur unforeseen AS events that are not documented in the event_annotation file!. DefaultFALSE
: Shouldevent_probs
be treated as relative frequencies instead of probabilities? DefaultFALSE
: Should the exon supersets be saved to .rda file? DefaultTRUE
Parameters passed to polyester that we assigned different defaults to
than in simulate_experiment
: Currently, ASimulatoR introduces random isoform switches. Those can be retraced in the sim_tx_info.txt file written by polyester. We plan on improving this in the future. -
: Strand-specific simulation (1st read forward strand, 2nd read reverse strand with respect to transcript sequence). DefaultTRUE
. -
as a function of transcript length. DefaultTRUE
. -
: Should progress messages be printed during the sequencing process? DefaultTRUE
. -
: Should the coverage of exons, junctions and retained introns be determined? DefaultTRUE
. -
: Ifexon_junction_coverage=TRUE
produced bycreate_splicing_variants_and_annotation
to determine exon and intron coverage.
No return, but simulated reads, a simulation info file, an alternative
splicing event annotation and exon and junction coverages are written to
Alyssa C. Frazee, Andrew E. Jaffe, Ben Langmead, Jeffrey T. Leek, Polyester: simulating RNA-seq datasets with differential transcript expression, Bioinformatics, Volume 31, Issue 17, 1 September 2015, Pages 2778–2784,
ASimulatoR Copyright (C) 2020 Manz, Quirin
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see