Copyright 2020 Digital Asset (Switzerland) GmbH and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
This application allows users to create a feed and control users who wish to subscribe them. All user subscriptions must be approved. Once a user is approved, users can comment, like, re-post etc. on all their favourite posts.
Build the DAML project:
daml build
Start the sandbox ledger:
daml start --start-navigator='no'
Generate the Typescript code:
daml codegen js -o daml2js .daml/dist/*.dar
Install the Javascript dependencies:
cd react && yarn install
Start up the development server:
cd react && yarn start
This opens a browser page pointing to http://localhost:3000/
We welcome suggestions for improvements via issues, or direct contributions via pull requests.