This is a simple script to allow users to configure policies for Microsoft Edge locked to MDM environments. You may now set a default search engine & change the new tab page and more!
The solution was taken from a blog @ (link to the blog post). I have tested it on LTSC 2019, LTSC 2021 and LTSC 2024.
- Download and run the script AS ADMINISTRATOR from releases or source;
- Choose the apply option (or revert if you want to revert the changes). Restart your computer afterwards;
- Go to the Microsoft Edge for Business page, obtain policy templates for your architecture;
- Extract the archive from the cabinet, then extract the archive;
- Open Group Policy Editor, under "Computer Configuration" select "Administrative Templates". Then proceed to click the "Action" button on the top of the window and press "Add/Remove Templates...";
- Press "Add" then go to the path you've extracted the archive in, "windows", "adm", select your language and select the "msedge.adm" file;
- You will now have "Classic Administrative Templates (ADM)" in "Administrative Templates". In there you will find Microsoft Edge policies;
- Happy editing!