To launch the app run from the console:
mix deps.get
- to fetch all the dependenciesiex -S mix
- to run REPL (Read-Eval-Print Loop)
From REPL run:
Categories.grpc_categories_fetch_all(1, "aaa", "asf")
to send a gRPC request and get a response.
Elixir veresion 1.9.x
protoc --elixir_out=plugins=grpc:./ ./apps/categories/lib/categories/api_mobile/*.proto
to generate service module from proto filemix deps.get
mix deps.compile
mix deps.clean mime --build
mix format
mix docs
mix test
mix dialyzer --format dialyzer
mix dialyzer --halt-exit-status
mix credo
MIX_ENV=test mix cover
mix xref unreachable
mix xref deprecated
HOSTNAME= REPLACE_OS_VARS=true sh _build/prod/rel/excluster/bin/excluster console
Created by Dmytro Nasyrov, Founder, CTO at Pharos Production Inc.
Pharos Production Inc. - Distributed Systems, Blockchain and FinTech enterprise software development
2019 Pharos Production Inc.
By Dmytro Nasyrov, Founder, CTO at Pharos Production Inc. And Pharos Production Inc. - Web3, blockchain, fintech, defi software development services