Reinforcement Learning Exploration of PPO and training methods in Rocket League
- Type 0: Baseline PPO
- Type 1: Add Rewards Gradually in and Descent Previous Reward Types
- Type 2: Individual Reward at a Time
- Type 3: A LSTM Variant of Baseline
A Windows 10 PC
Rocket League (Both Steam and Epic are supported)
The RLGym plugin for Bakkesmod (It's installed automatically by pip)
Python between versions 3.8
Press F2 and it will pop-up windows like this:
Create an Anaconda Environment
Install requirements (LINK)
pip install -r requirements.txt
- enable RLGym plubin in Bakkesmod
Download CUDA Download GPU version of Pytorch
Just run in the Conda Env the specific python files
python ./
tensorboard --logdir out/logs
- Download RLBot
- Trained model is stored in
folder - Download Stable-baseline3 to the python destination of RLBot eg:
c:\users\et_va\appdata\local\rlbotguix\python37\python -m pip install stable-baselines3==1.7.0a4
c:\users\et_va\appdata\local\rlbotguix\python37\python -m pip install sb3-contrib==1.7.0a0
c:\users\et_va\appdata\local\rlbotguix\python37\python -m pip install rlgym
c:\users\et_va\appdata\local\rlbotguix\python37\python -m pip install pickle5
- configure and bot.cfg in
- then you can choose which bot to play with in RlBot GUI
- a game data plot tool is available at
Trained Models are located at trained_model
tensorboard --logdir out/logs