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executable file
522 lines (369 loc) · 21.7 KB

File metadata and controls

executable file
522 lines (369 loc) · 21.7 KB


A basic status light that will show when I'm available or not. This was inspired by matthewf01's WebexTeams-Status-Box, for basically the same reason: My 5-year-old needs some way to tell if he can run in screaming at me while I'm working from home.

Status-Light will connect to multiple status sources (e.g. collaboration suites like Webex and calendaring applications like Office 365 and Google), retrieve the current status of each, and then determine the most-busy status. It will then display this status on a remote RGB LED bulb.

By default, call, meeting, donotdisturb, or presenting collaboration statuses will show a red light, busy and tentative calendar statuses will show an orange light, and the active collaboration status will show a green light. All other statuses will turn the light off (i.e. inactive in Webex and free in Office 365).

Python Usage Example

SOURCES=webex \
TUYA_DEVICE='{ "protocol": "3.3", "deviceid": "xxx", "ip": "yyy", "localkey": "zzz" }' \
python -u /path/to/src/

Docker Usage Examples

Commandline with Webex only

docker run -d \
  --name status-light \
  -e "SOURCES=webex" \
  -e 'TUYA_DEVICE={ "protocol": "3.3", "deviceid": "xxx", "ip": "yyy", "localkey": "zzz" }' \
  -e "WEBEX_PERSONID=xxx" \
  -e "WEBEX_BOTID=xxx" \

Compose with all default options

version: '3.7'

    image: portableprogrammer/status-light:latest
      - "SOURCES=Webex,Office365"
      - "AVAILABLE_COLOR=green"
      - "SCHEDULED_COLOR=orange"
      - "BUSY_COLOR=red"
      - "AVAILABLE_STATUS=active"
      - "SCHEDULED_STATUS=busy,tentative"
      - "BUSY_STATUS=call,donotdisturb,meeting,presenting,pending"
      - "OFF_STATUS=inactive,outofoffice,free,unknown"
      - 'TUYA_DEVICE={ "protocol": "3.3", "deviceid": "xxx", "ip": "yyy", "localkey": "zzz" }'
      - "TUYA_BRIGHTNESS=128"
      - "WEBEX_PERSONID=xxx"
      - "WEBEX_BOTID=xxx"
      - "O365_APPID=xxx"
      - "O365_APPSECRET=xxx"
      - "O365_TOKENSTORE=/data"
      - "GOOGLE_TOKENSTORE=/data"
      - "SLACK_USER_ID=xxx"
      - "SLACK_BOT_TOKEN=xxx"
      - "SLACK_CUSTOM_SCHEDULED_STATUS=':spiral_calendar_pad: In a meeting'"
      - "SLACK_CUSTOM_BUSY_STATUS=':headphones: In a huddle',':slack_call:',':no_entry_sign:',':no_entry: Do not disturb'"
      - "SLACK_CUSTOM_OFF_STATUS=':no_entry: Out of office',':airplane:',':palm_tree: Vacationing'"
      - "ACTIVE_DAYS=Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday"
      - "ACTIVE_HOURS_START=08:00:00"
      - "ACTIVE_HOURS_END=17:00:00"
      - "SLEEP_SECONDS=5"
      - type: bind
        source: /path/to/tokenstore
        target: /data

Compose with secrets

Note: This method requires that you have previously defined the secrets using the docker secret create command.

version: '3.7'

    image: portableprogrammer/status-light:latest
      - "TUYA_DEVICE_FILE=/run/secrets/tuya-device-secret-v1"
      - "WEBEX_PERSONID_FILE=/run/secrets/webex-personid-secret-v1"
      - "WEBEX_BOTID_FILE=/run/secrets/webex-botid-secret-v1"
      - "O365_APPID_FILE=/run/secrets/o365-appid-secret-v1"
      - "O365_APPSECRET_FILE=/run/secrets/o365-appsecret-secret-v3"
      - "O365_TOKENSTORE=/data"
      - type: bind
        source: /path/to/tokenstore
        target: /data
      - tuya-device-secret-v1
      - webex-personid-secret-v1
      - webex-botid-secret-v1
      - o365-appid-secret-v1
      - o365-appsecret-secret-v3

    external: true
    external: true
    external: true
    external: true
    external: true

Environment Variables


  • Optional
  • Available values:
    • webex
    • slack
    • office365
    • google
  • Default value: webex,office365

If specificed, requires at least one of the available options. This will control which services Status-Light uses to determine overall availability status.


  • Optional
  • Available values:
    • Webex
      • active
      • call
      • donotdisturb
      • inactive
      • meeting
      • pending
      • presenting
    • Slack
      • active
      • inactive
    • Office 365
      • free
      • tentative
      • busy
      • outofoffice
      • workingelsewhere
    • Google
      • free
      • busy


  • Default value: active
  • By default, denotes that there is no ongoing collaboration call or meeting, and no calendar meetings scheduled within the configured CALENDAR_LOOKAHEAD interval.
    • This is the default not busy state. See OFF_STATUS for an explanation of why the calendar free status is not included in this list by default, and why you may want to change that.


  • Default value: busy,tentative
  • By default, denotes that there is no ongoing collaboration call or meeting, but a calendar meeting, that was either accepted or tentatively accepted, is scheduled within the configured CALENDAR_LOOKAHEAD interval.
    • This is the default about to be busy state.


  • Default value: call,donotdisturb,meeting,presenting,pending
  • By default, denotes that there is an ongoing collaboration call or meeting, or (in the case of donotdisturb or presenting) some other reason why the user could be considered busy.
    • This is the default busy state.
  • If the Webex "Show when in a calendar meeting" option is selected, and webex is present in SOURCES, Webex will return a meeting status for any connected calendars.


  • Default value: inactive,outofoffice,workingelsewhere,free,unknown
  • By default, denotes that the user is not working now.
    • This is the default after hours state.
  • In the case of unknown, this is essentially a fail-safe. If we can't determine the status, just turn the light off.
  • In the case of outofoffice and workingelsewhere, this is a personal preference. I don't need Status-Light to tell my family that I'm somewhere else; they can see that.
  • In the case of free, there are a few reasons why it's in OFF_STATUS by default.
    • Typically, if the user is asking for both collaboration and calendar statuses, the user will be active (from collaboration) and free (from calendar) simultaneously, so active will always win.
    • Status-Light makes a determination of free/busy/tentative by checking the user's calendar availability within the configured CALENDAR_LOOKAHEAD interval. There is typically no 'off-hours' status in calendaring applications, which means, at the end of the working day, the user is technically free. In that instance, the light would be on during off hours, showing the selected AVAIALBLE_COLOR. Again, this is a personal preference; I don't want the light on while I'm not at work, and I am using Webex to handle AVAILABLE_STATUS.
    • This behavior can be further refined with the ACTIVE_* variables.
    • In the case that no collaboration sources are present in SOURCES, it is recommended to move free to AVAILABLE_STATUS, but the caveat above will apply in that scenario: the light may stay on all the time.

Note 1: Status-Light makes no attempt to handle invalid values in a list. In the case of an error, Status-Light will simply revert to the default value for that list.

Note 2: Status-Light makes no attempt to ensure that any given status is present in only a single list. In the case of a status in multiple lists, the order of precedence below applies as well.

Status Precedence

Since the "most-busy" status should win when selecting a color, typically the collaboration status will take precedence over calendars. For example, if your calendar status is busy (you're scheduled to be in a meeting), and your collaboration status is meeting (you're actively in the meeting), the collaboration status would take precedence, given the default values listed above. Generally, precedence is BUSY_STATUS, then SCHEDULED_STATUS, followed by AVAILABLE_STATUS, and finally OFF_STATUS. In more specific terms, the way Status-Light handles precedence is:

# Collaboration status always wins except in specific scenarios
# Webex currently takes precendence over Slack
currentStatus = webexStatus
if webexStatus == const.Status.unknown or webexStatus in offStatus:
  # Fall through to Slack
  currentStatus = slackStatus

if (currentStatus in availableStatus or currentStatus in offStatus) 
  and (officeStatus not in offStatus or googleStatus not in offStatus):

  # Office 365 currently takes precedence over Google
  if (officeStatus != const.Status.unknown):
    currentStatus = officeStatus
    currentStatus = googleStatus

if currentStatus in availableStatus:
  # Get availableColor

if currentStatus in scheduledStatus:
  # Get scheduledColor

if currentStatus in busyStatus:
  # Get busyColor

if currentColor != None:
  # Set currentColor
elif currentStatus in offStatus:
  # Turn off the light

Slack Custom Statuses

While Slack only offers the active and inactive presence flags, it also offers the ability to set custom emoji and text statuses. By default, Slack uses several of these to indicate a more granular status, for example, :slack_call: or :spiral_calendar_pad: In a meeting. Status-Light can read this custom emoji and text to infer a more specific status than active or inactive. For example, you may be active in Slack, but also in a Slack Call (:slack_call:) or a Slack Huddle (:headphones: In a huddle). In this instance, Status-Light can interpret the custom status message as CALL, and set the appropriate color.

These options accept a list of strings that should match the beginning of the Slack custom status. Take the following scenario:

SLACK_BUSY_STATUS = [':no_entry_sign: Do Not Disturb']
slack.Presence = ACTIVE
slack.CustomStatus = ':no_entry_sign: Do not disturb, I need to finish project X today!'

In the example above, the Slack custom status would match (since it is a case-insensitive comparison), and therefore take precedence over the Slack presence, causing Status-Light to treat Slack as BUSY instead of AVAILABLE.


  • Optional, case-insensitive
  • Default value: ''
  • Slack's active presence lines up nicely with the default AVAILABLE_STATUS, so there is no default custom override for this option.


  • Optional, case-insensitive
  • Default value: ':spiral_calendar_pad: In a meeting'
  • If you have a calendaring source configured in Slack but not in Status-Light, this default SCHEDULED_STATUS is an easy way to obtain both collaboration and calendar status from a single source. If you also have the same calendaring source configured in Status-Light, this will duplicate it, assuming that they're fully in sync.


  • Optional, case-insensitive
  • Default value: ':no_entry_sign:',':no_entry: Do not disturb'
  • This custom status also includes Slack A/V collaboration modes by default, like Huddles and Calls.

Note 1: For the default Call and Huddle custom statuses to work, you must have selected Set my status to... for Calls and Huddles in the Slack preferences.

Note 2: Slack, by default, will not automatically change your custom status when you join a Call or Huddle, if you already have one set. In this instance, Status-Light will react to your existing custom status and other Source statuses.


  • Optional, case-insensitive
  • Default value: ':no_entry: Out of office',':airplane:',':palm_tree: vacationing'
  • If you have a calendaring source configured in Slack but not in Status-Light, this default OFF_STATUS is an easy way to obtain both collaboration and calendar status from a single source. If you also have the same calendaring source configured in Status-Light, this will duplicate it, assuming that they're fully in sync.


  • Optional
  • Available values:
    • red (ff0000)
    • yellow (ffff00)
    • orange (ff9000)
    • green (00ff00)
    • blue (0000ff)
    • or any 24-bit RGB values (i.e. 000000 - ffffff)


  • Default value: green


  • Default value: orange


  • Default value: red



  • Required

Status-Light requires a Tuya device, which are white-boxed and sold under many brand names. For example, the Tuya light working in the current environment is an Above Lights Smart Bulb 9W, model AL1.

Status-Light uses the tuyaface module for Tuya communication.

To retreive your TUYA_DEVICE credentials, follow codetheweb's setup document for tuyapi.

Status-Light expects a valid JSON object in this variable. Specifically, attribute names (e.g. protocol) must be in double quotes. This may mean you need to use single quotes to surround the entire variable. See the example below.

Example TUYA_DEVICE value:

'TUYA_DEVICE={ "protocol": "3.3", "deviceid": "xxx", "ip": "yyy", "localkey": "zzz" }'

Docker Secrets: This variable can instead be specified in a secrets file, using the TUYA_DEVICE_FILE variable.

Note: Status-Light will accept an FQDN instead of IP, as long as the name can be resolved. Tuya devices will typically register themselves with the last 6 digits of the device ID, for example ESP_xxxxxx.local.


  • Optional
  • Acceptable range: 32-255
  • Default value: 128

Set the brightness of your Tuya light. This is an 8-bit integer corresponding to a percentage from 0%-100% (though Tuya lights typically don't accept a brightness value below 32). Status-Light defaults to 50% brightness, 128.




  • Required if webex is present in SOURCES

Status-Light uses the webexteamssdk module for Webex status lookup.

To retrieve your WEBEX_PERSONID and WEBEX_BOTID creds, see below:

Docker Secrets: These variables can instead be specified in secrets files, using the WEBEX_PERSONID_FILE and WEBEX_BOTID_FILE variables.



  • Required if slack is present in SOURCES
  • The ID of the user presence to monitor.
    • Retrieve by navigating to the user's profile, then selecting More and Copy member ID


  • Required if slack is present in SOURCES

To retrieve your SLACK_BOT_TOKEN, see below:

Docker Secrets: This variable can instead be specified in a secrets file, using the SLACK_BOT_TOKEN_FILE variable.

Note: The SLACK_BOT_TOKEN is Workspace-specific, meaning you will need to create a new bot for each Slack Workspace.

Office 365

Note: See CALENDAR_LOOKAHEAD to configure lookahead timing for Calendar sources.



  • Required if office365 is present in SOURCES

Status-Light uses the python-o365 module for Office 365 status lookup.

To retrieve your O365_APPID and O365_APPSECRET creds, follow Python O365's usage and authentication guide.

Docker Secrets: These variables can instead be specified in secrets files, using the O365_APPID_FILE and O365_APPSECRET_FILE variables.


  • Optional, only valid if office365 is present in SOURCES
  • Acceptable value: Any writable location on disk, e.g. /path/to/token/
  • Default value: ~

Defines a writable location on disk where the Office 365 tokens are stored. This location should be protected from other users.

Note: This path is directory only. The python-o365 module will expect to persist a file within the directory supplied.


Note: See CALENDAR_LOOKAHEAD to configure lookahead timing for Calendar sources.


  • Optional, only valid if google is present in SOURCES
  • Acceptable value: Any writable location on disk, e.g. /path/to/creds/
  • Default value: preconfigured key

Defines a writable location on disk where the Google application credentials are stored. This location should be protected from other users.

Status-Light is preconfigured with a Google API key that allows freebusy access to Google calendars for the express purpose of reading free/busy status. If you prefer to roll your own API key, you may mount your own client_secret.json in any directory and provide that path in this variable.

Note: This path is directory only. Status-Light expects to find a file named client_secret.json within the directory supplied.


  • Optional, only valid if google is present in SOURCES
  • Acceptable value: Any writable location on disk, e.g. /path/to/token/
  • Default value: ~

Defines a writable location on disk where the Google tokens are stored. This location should be protected from other users.

Authorizing Status-Light

If you are running Status-Light locally, the first time the authentication flow runs, you will see a Google authentication prompt in your default browser, and responding to it should authorize Status-Light successfully, storing token.json in the directory specified here.

Since Google has deprecated OOB authentication flows for headless devices, if you are running Status-Light headless (e.g. in a Docker container), you will need to obtain your token.json file manually and place it into the directory specified here.

Note: This path is directory only. Status-Light expects to persist a file within the directory supplied.

Active Times

If you prefer to leave Status-Light running all the time (e.g. headless in a Docker container), you may wish to disable status polling during off hours.

Note: This implementation is fairly basic, assuming that active hours are identical on all active days, and that the active hours will start and end on the same day. This may preclude, for example, configuring active hours that span days (e.g. overnights) or differing schedules on specific days.


A list of days that Status-Light will be actively polling status sources.

  • Optional
  • Acceptable values:
    • Monday
    • Tuesday
    • Wednesday
    • Thursday
    • Friday
    • Saturday
    • Sunday
  • Default value: Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,Sunday



A time, in 24-hour format, signifying the start and end of the active hours on any active day.

  • Optional
  • Default values:
    • ACTIVE_HOURS_START: 00:00:00
    • ACTIVE_HOURS_END: 23:59:59


  • Optional
  • Acceptable range: 5-60
  • Default value: 5

Set the number of minutes that Calendar SOURCES lookahead to determine free/busy.


  • Optional
  • Acceptable range: 5-60
  • Default value: 5

Set the number of seconds between status checks.


  • Optional
  • Acceptable values, documented on
    • ERROR
    • INFO
    • DEBUG
  • Default value: INFO

Sets the log level for Status-Light.

Note: Setting LOGLEVEL to anything above INFO may cause you to lose status information. It is recommended you keep this at INFO until you are comfortable with the configuration.