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QunL edited this page Dec 2, 2013 · 6 revisions

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Translate CERT C++ Secure Coding Standard to Chinese.


  • Translate secure rules
  • Translate secure recommendations
  • Other things to add

Work style

  • use this wiki as work place.


  1. [Preprocessor PRE][Preprocessor-PRE]
  2. Declarations and Initialization (DCL)
  3. Expressions (EXP)
  4. Integers (INT)
  5. Floating Point Arithmetic (FLP)
  6. Arrays and the STL (ARR)
  7. Characters and Strings (STR)
  8. Memory Management (MEM)
  9. Input Output (FIO)
  10. Environment (ENV)
  11. Signals (SIG)
  12. Exceptions and Error Handling (ERR)
  13. Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  14. Concurrency (CON)
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