This repository describes how a RIAPS application developer should setup a RIAPS environment from preloaded disk images: there is one for a development (virtual) machine, and another one for the target nodes. For the former we use a 64-bit x86_64/amd64 system. For the latter, there are several single board computing devices that work with RIAPS (i.e. 32-bit Beaglebone Black 'armhf' system, and 64-bit Raspberry Pi 4 'arm64' system). For advanced programming users wanting to setup a custom environment, there is also information about how these preloaded images were created.
Power application developers can quickly setup a distributed environment by utilizing preloaded RIAPS environment disk images as instructed in this section. In a RIAPS installation there is one development hosts and one or more target nodes, connected via a LAN.
The RIAPS development host environment is based on a virtual machine setup using Ubuntu 22.04. Setting up the RIAPS host development environment (Linux VM) can be found in Host Environment Setup Page.
The main RIAPS target node environments used for this project has been TI Beaglebone Black, Raspberry Pi 4 and TI AM64B starter kit. Instructions on how to create a RIAPS Node SD Card Image can be found in RIAPS Node Runtime Setup Page.
Once a RIAPS Host and the desired RIAPS Nodes are setup, a simple application can be used to test the environment. Instructions for these test are found in Environment Test Page. There are also sample application setup in the eclipse tool on the RIAPS Host. Instructions on how to run and import application into the Eclipse environment can be found in RIAPS Eclipse Environment Information Page.
The instructions and scripts provided were used to develop the base RIAPS SD Card images. These base images are used when setting up a RIAPS Node. The SD card image includes basic third party packages and configures the environment for the RIAPS platform. The intent is to provide a base image that is only periodically updated and to reduce the time necessary for application developers to create RIAPS nodes. Instructions for creating this image is located in Base RIAPS SD Card Image Creation Page.
The instructions and scripts provided were used to develop the preloaded RIAPS virtual machine (.vmdk). These files are used when setting up a RIAPS host environment on a computing device. The virtual machine includes basic third party packages and configures the environment for the RIAPS platform. The intent is to provide quick way for application developers to create RIAPS host environment. Instructions for creating this virtual machine is located in Preloaded RIAPS Virtual Machine Creation Page.